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Design of Lightweight Mounds on Weak Bases with the Use of Geo-Composite Materials for Construction of Transport Structures

Number of journal: 11-2015

Kochetkov A.V.
Yankovsky L.V.
Kokodeeva N.E.
Valiev Sh.N.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0585-430X-2015-731-11-33-37
УДК: 625.861


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
Issues of the design of lightweight mounds with the use of light geo-composition materials including expanded polystyrene (EPS) are considered. The main sphere of using lightweight mounds constructed of EPS blocks: linear sections of structures on lightweight base, approaches to bridge structures on lightweight base, widening of a bank on lightweight base, construction of roads on areas of possible landslides, infilling behind retaining walls. A criterion when designing the structure made of EPS blocks is a prevention of premature failures of pavement such as the rutting, cracks etc. which are beyond the requirements for the limit state of serviceability. It seems to be prospective to approbate this innovative technique of construction since the use of up-to-date EPS blocks, mastered by domestic production, makes it possible to complexly influence on the workability of hydrotechnic or transport structures.
A.V. KOCHETKOV1, Doctor Sciences (Engineering)
L.V. YANKOVSKY1, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)
N.E. KOKODEEVA2, Doctor Sciences (Engineering)
Sh.N. VALIEV3, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)

1 Perm National Research Polytechnic University (29a Komsomolsky Avenue, 614600, Perm, Russian Federation)
2 Saratov State Technical University named after Yu.A. Gagarin (77 Politekhnicheskaya Street, 410054, Saratov, Russian Federation)
3 Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University (64 Leningradsky Avenue, 125319, Moscow, Russian Federation)

1. Evtiukov S.A., Matiusova E.Iu. The bearing capacity of the embankment of the EPS-blocks. Algorithm selection blocks with optimal density. Vestnik grazhdanskikh inzhenerov. 2012. No. 1, рр. 127–130. (In Russian).
2. Design and construction of embankments using lightweight EPS-blocks. Avtomobil’nye dorogi. 2007. No. 10, рр. 73–75. (In Russian).
3. Evtiukov S.A., Ryabinin G.A., Spektor A.G. Stroitel’stvo, raschet i proektirovanie oblegchennykh nasypei [Construction, calculation and design of lightweight embankments. Ed. by E.P. Madres]. SPb.: «Petropolis». 2009. 260 p.
4. EN 13163:2001 Thermal insulation products for buildings – Factory made products of expanded polystyrene (EPS) – Specification.
5. ISO 12491:1997 Statistical methods for quality control of building materials and components.
6. ASTM D 6817–04 Standard Specification for Rigid Cellular Polystyrene Geofoam.
7. «Guideline and recommended standard for application in highway embankments» Transportation Research Board. Washington. DC. 2004. 58 p.
8. 4-th International Conference of Geofoam Blocks in Construction application. Norway, 2011.

For citation: Kochetkov A.V., Yankovsky L.V., Kokodeeva N.E., Valiev Sh.N. Design of Lightweight Mounds on Weak Bases with the Use of Geo-Composite Materials for Construction of Transport Structures. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2015. No. 11, pp. 33-37. (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0585-430X-2015-731-11-33-37

Influence of Fly Ashes on the Viscoelastic Characteristics of the Bitumen

Number of journal: 11-2015

Markova I.Yu.
Strokova V.V.
Dmitrieva T.V.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0585-430X-2015-731-11-28-32
УДК: 691.16


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The influence of the addition of fly ashes as fine-grained silica-alumina industrial raw materials of fuel and energy enterprises (power plants) of various genetic types on the visco-elastic characteristics of the bitumen was studied. Rutting resistance of the modified binder was measured by method Superpave (USA) in the temperature range 46–76оC. The dependence of the rutting resistance on the composition, characteristics and concentration in the composition of the binder of used thermal power plants fly ashes was determined. A ranking of aluminosilicate industrial materials according to the degree of efficiency of its use as bitumen structuring additive was performed. It is shown that the use of low calcium and high calcium fly ashes allows raising the temperature of transformation of bitumen from viscous state into liquid state, that leads to increased resistance of the bitumen binder to shear stresses. The obtained results can be used as a predictive parameter of shear resistance of asphalt concrete based on modified bitumen.
I.Yu. MARKOVA, Engineer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
V.V. STROKOVA, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering)
T.V. DMITRIEVA, Engineer

Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shoukhov (46, Kostukova Street, Belgorod, 308012, Russian Federation)

1. Sobolev K., Ismael F., Saha R., Wasiuddin N., Saltibus N. The effect of fly ash on the rheological properties of bituminous material. Fuel. January 2014. Vol. 116, pp. 471–477.
2. Sobolev K., Florens I., Bohler J., Faheem A., Covi A. Application of fly ash in ASHphalt concrete: from Challenges to Opportunities. http://www.flyash.info/2013/012-Sobolev-2013.pdf (date of access 11.02.2015).
3. Markova I.Yu., Dmitrieva T.V., Kozhuhova N.I., Markov A.Yu. The composition and properties of fly ashes as modifiers of bitumen. Scientific and practical problems in the field of chemistry and chemical technology: Proceedings of the IX inter-regional scientific-technical conference of young scientists, professionals and university students. Apatity. 2015, pp. 77–79. (In Russian).
4. Lebedev M.S., Strokova V.V., Potapova I.Yu., Kotlyarskii E.V. Effect of additives of CHP low-calcium fly ash on characteristics of a road bitumen binder. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2014. No. 11, pp. 8–11. (In Russian).
5. Jarmolinskaya N.I., Cupikova L.S. Improving ofresistanceto corrosive attack for asphalt concrete based on power station wastes. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction materials]. 2007. No. 9, pp. 46–47. (In Russian).
6. Putilin E.I., Cvetkov V.S., Primenenie zol unosa I zoloshlakovyh smesej pri stroitel’stve avtomobil’nyh dorog: obzornaja informacija otechestvennogo i zarubezhnogo opyta primenenija othodov ot szhiganija tverdogo topliva na TJeS. [Application of fly ash and bottom-ash mixture when road construction: review information of domestic and abroad experience of application of solid fuel combustion wastes]. Moscow: Sojuzdornii. 2003. 60 p.
7. Nagesh Tatoba Suryawanshi, Samitinjay S. Bansode, Pravin D. Nemade Use of Eco-Friendly Material like Fly Ash in Rigid Pavement Construction & It’s Cost Benefit Analysis. International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering. 2012. Vol. 2. No. 12, pp. 795–800.
8. Standard Test Method for Determining Rheological Properties of Asphalt Binder Using a Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR), AASHTO Designation: TP5, based on SHRP Product 1007, September 1993.
9. AASHTO T315-10, Standard Method of Test for Determining the Rheological Properties of Asphalt Binder Using a Dynamic Shear Rheometer, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. 2010. 32 p.

For citation: Markova I.Yu., Strokova V.V., Dmitrieva T.V. Influence of Fly Ashes on the Viscoelastic Characteristics of the Bitumen. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2015. No. 11, pp. 28-32. (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0585-430X-2015-731-11-28-32

Some Practical Aspects of Fractal Simulation of a Structure of Nano-Composite Material

Number of journal: 11-2015

Evel’son L.I.
Lukuttsova N.P.
Nikolaenko A.N.
Khomyakova E.N.
Rivonenko Ya.A.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0585-430X-2015-731-11-24-27
УДК: 691:539.2


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
Some practical aspects of the fractal simulation of a structure of nono-modified concretes containig serpentinite, wollastonite, schungite, and meta-kaolin are considered for the purpose to apply them for solving optimization problems. Two fractal characteristics of the micro-structure of nano-modified concretes are studied; they are fractal dimension D and lacunarity L with the use of the ImagelJ program with a set extension (plugin) FracLac. It is established that the value of fractal dimension is more significantly invariant than lacunarity. It is shown that the important feature is the fact that when ranking results according to fractal dimension and lacunarity, the sequence order of nano-modifiers doesn’t change at various enlargements and adjustments. The applied methods for using the fractal analysis for simulation of the structure of composite materials is standardized and can be suitable for the description of similar characteristics of other objects of this kind.
L.I. EVEL’SON, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
N.P. LUKUTTSOVA, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
A.N. NIKOLAENKO, Engineer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
E.N. KHOMYAKOVA, Chemist (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Ya.A. RIVONENKO, Master student (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Bryansk State Engineering-Technological University (3, Stanke Dimitrova Avenue, Bryansk, 241037, Russian Federation)

1. Evelson L., Lukuttsova N. Application of statistical and multi-fractal models for parameter optimization of nano-modified concrete. International. Journal of Applied Engineering Research. 2015. Vol. 10. No. 5, pp. 12363–12370.
2. Evel’son L.I. Parametric optimization of thermal gas absorbing apparatus HA-500. Dynamics, loading and reliability of rolling stock. Interuniversity collection of scientific papers. Dnepropetrovsk: DTIS. 1985, pp. 29–36. (In Russian).
3. Evel’son L.I., Ryzhikova E.G. A numerical method for optimization through planning computational experiment. Vestnik BGTU. 2015. No. 1, pp. 14–19. (In Russian).
4. Mandel’brot B. Fraktal’naya geometriya prirody [Fractal Geometry of Nature]. Moscow: Institute of Computer Science. 2002. 656 p.
5. Lukuttsova N.P., Pykin A.A. Teoreticheskie i tekhnologicheskie aspekty polucheniya mikro- i nanodispersnykh dobavok na osnove shungitosoderzhashchikh porod dlya betona. Monografiya [Theoretical and technological aspects of production of schungite-based micro- and nano-disperse additives to concrete. Monograph]. Bryansk: BGITA. 2014. 216 p.
6. Montgomeri D.K. Planirovanie eksperimenta i analiz dannykh. [Experimental Design and Analysis]. Leningrad: Sudostroenie.1980. 384 p.

For citation: Evel’son L.I., Lukuttsova N.P., Nikolaenko A.N., Khomyakova E.N., Rivonenko Ya.A. Some Practical Aspects of Fractal Simulation of a Structure of Nano-Composite Material // Строительные материалы. 2015. № 11. С. 24-27. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0585-430X-2015-731-11-24-27

Improvement of Efficiency of No-Fines Haydite Concrete with Nano-Disperse Additives

Number of journal: 11-2015

Pykin A.A.
Vasyunina S.V.
Kalugin A.A.
Spodeneyko A.A.
Aver’yanenko Yu.A.
Aleksandrova M.N.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0585-430X-2015-731-11-20-23
УДК: 691.327.32


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
Physical-mechanical properties and structure of no-fines (no-sand) haydite concrete (NHC) with the use of haydite gravel modified by nano-disperse additive-suspensions obtained as a result of the ultra-sound dispersion of meta-kaolin in water media of organic stabilizer: the superplasticizer C-3 and polyvinyl alcohol have been studied. It is established that the saturation of haydite gravel with developed additives before mixing with Portland cement leads to increase (by 55–75%) in the compressive strength of no-fines haydite concrete. Increasing the strength of NHC is due to the interaction of metakaolin particles with Portlandite with formation, on the haydite surface and in the surface layer of haydite granules, of additional quantity of crystal new-formations identical to hydrosilicate and calcium hydro-aluminate, as well as ettringite facilitating compaction and strengthening of a contact zone of the cement matrix with a filler.
A.A. PYKIN, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
S.V. VASYUNINA, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
A.A. KALUGIN, Engineer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
A.A. SPODENEYKO, Engineer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Yu.A. AVER’YANENKO, Master student (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
M.N. ALEKSANDROVA, Master student (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Bryansk State Engineering-Technological University (3, Stanke Dimitrova Avenue, Bryansk, 241037, Russian Federation)

1. Gorin V.M., Vytchikov Y.S., Shiyanovi L.P., Belyakov I.G. Study of heat protection characteristics pf wall enclosing structures of cottage buildings built with the use of no-sand haydite concrete. Zhilishchnoe Stroitel’stvo [Housing Construction]. 2014. No. 7, pp. 28–31. (In Russian).
2. Patent RF 2448930. Keramzitobeton na modifitsirovannom keramzitovom gravii [Ceramsite concrete on the modified claydite gravel]. Minakov Y.A., Kononova O.V., Sofronov S.P. Declared 09.11.2010. Published 27.04.2012. Bulletin No. 12. (In Russian).
3. Lukuttsova N.P., Pykin A.A. Teoreticheskie i tekhnologicheskie aspekty polucheniya mikro- i nanodispersnykh dobavok na osnove shungitosoderzhashchikh porod dlya betona. Monografiya [Theoretical and technological aspects of production of schungite-based micro- and nano-disperse additives to concrete. Monograph]. Bryansk: BGITA. 2014. 216 p.
4. Bazhenov Y.M., Alimov L.A., Voronin V.V. Struktura i svoistva betonov s nanomodifikatorami na osnove tekhnogennykh otkhodov. Monografiya [The structure and properties of concrete with nanomodifiers based on anthropogenic wastes. Monograph]. Moscow: MGSU. 2013. 204 p.
5. Kirsanova A.A., Kramar L.Y. Organomineral modifiers on the basis of meta-kaolin for cement concretes. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction materials]. 2013. No. 11, pp. 54–56. (In Russian).
6. Patent RF 2563264. Sposob izgotovleniya kompleksnoi nanodispersnoi dobavki dlya vysokoprochnogo betona [The Method for producing of complex nano-disperse additive for high-performance fine concrete]. Lukuttsova N.P., Pykin A.A., Suglobov A.V. Declared 30.07.2014. Published 20.09.2015. (In Russian).
7. Koshevar V.D. Organo-mineral’nye dispersii. Regulirovanie ikh svoistv i primenenie. Monografiya [Organo-mineral dispersion. Their properties and applications control. Monograph]. Minsk: Belorusskaya nauka. 2008. 312 p.
8. Merlin A. Etzold, Peter J. McDonald, Alexander F. Routh. Growth of sheets in 3D confinements – a model for the C–S–H meso structure. Cement and Concrete Research. 2014. Vol. 63, pp. 137–142.
9. Papatzani S., Paine K., Calabria-Holley J. A comprehensive review of the models on the nanostructure of calcium silicate hydrates. Construction and Building Materials. 2015. Vol. 74, pp. 219–234.
10. Romanenkov V.E. Fiziko-khimicheskie osnovy gidratatsionnogo tverdeniya poroshkovykh sred. Monografiya [Physical and chemical bases of hydration hardening of powder media. Monograph]. Minsk: Belorusskaya nauka. 2012. 197 p.
11. Grishina A.N., Korolev E.V. Effectivness of cement composite nanomodification with nanoscale barium hydrosilicates. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2015. No. 2, pp. 72–76. (In Russian).

For citation: Pykin A.A., Vasyunina S.V., Kalugin A.A., Spodeneyko A.A., Aver’yanenko Yu.A., Aleksandrova M.N. Improvement of Efficiency of No-Fines Haydite Concrete with Nano-Disperse Additives. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2015. No. 11, pp. 20-23. (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0585-430X-2015-731-11-20-23

A New Type of the Modifier of Concrete Structure is an Additive on the Basis of Bio-Silicified Nano-Tubes

Number of journal: 11-2015

Lukuttsova N.P.
Ustinov A.G.
Grebenchenko I.Yu.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0585-430X-2015-731-11-17-19
УДК: 666.972.11


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
Results of the study of a new type of the modifier of concrete structure, a nano-disperse additive on the basis of bio-silicified nano-tubes from cyanobacteria of Leptolyngbya sp. 0511, Leptolyngbya laminosa 0412, Leptolyngbya sp. 0612 of the Baikal Rift Zone, are presented. Various types of stabilizers of the additive have been studied. It is shown that the dependence of sizes of bio-silicated nanotubes particles and the stability of dispersed phases of suspensions in water medium of the superplasticizer C-3 and polyvinyl alcohol on the duration of ultrasound dispersion has an extreme character. It is established that the maximum effect of the use of the nano-dispersed additive on the basis of bio-silicated nanotubes and C-3 is achieved when the additive content is 0.3–0.5% of the cement mass. At that, the concrete compressive strength increases after 3 days of hardening by 1.7–2.5 times, after 28 days of hardening – by 1.6–2 times, flexural strength – by 2–3.6 times, water absorption reduces by 2.3–4 times.
N.P. LUKUTTSOVA, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
A.G. USTINOV, Engineer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
I.Yu. GREBENCHENKO, Master student (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Bryansk State Engineering-Technological University (3, Stanke Dimitrova Avenue, Bryansk, 241037, Russian Federation)

1. Bazhenov Y.M., Alimov L.A., Voronin V.V. Struktura i svoistva betonov s nanomodifikatorami na osnove tekhnogennykh otkhodov. Monografiya [The structure and properties of concrete with nanomodifiers based on anthropogenic wastes. Monograph]. Moscow: MGSU. 2013. 204 p.
2. Lukuttsova N.P., Pykin A.A. Teoreticheskie i tekhnologicheskie aspekty polucheniya mikro- i nanodispersnykh dobavok na osnove shungitosoderzhashchikh porod dlya betona. Monografiya [Theoretical and technological aspects of production of schungite-based micro- and nano-disperse additives to concrete. Monograph]. Bryansk: BGITA. 2014. 216 p.
3. Lukuttsova N., Luginina I., Karpikov E., Pykin A., Ystinov A., Pinchukova I. High-performance fine concrete modified with nano-dispersion additive. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research. 2014. Vol. 9. No. 22, pp. 16725–16733.
4. Sorokovnikova E.G., Danilovceva E.N., Annenkov V.V., Karesoja M., Lihoshvaj E.V. Learning silicification cyanobacteria by chemical analysis and electron microscopy. Abstracts of the IV Congress of the Russian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Novosibirsk. 2008, pp. 484–486. (In Russian).
5. Patent RF 2539734 Sposob poluchenija biosilificirovannyh nanotrubok [The process for producing biosilifisayted nanotubes]. Lukutcova N.P., Ustinov A.G. Declared 22.11.2013. Published 27.01.2015. Bulletin No. 3. (In Russian).
6. LukuttsovaN., Pykin A. Stability of nanodisperse additives based on metakaolin. Glass and Ceramics. 2015. Vol. 71. No. 38, pp. 383–386.
7. Frolov Ju.G. Kurs kolloidnoj himii: poverhnostnye javlenija i dispersnye sistemy [Course of Colloid Chemistry: Surface phenomena and disperse systems]. Moscow: Al'jans. 2009. 464 p.
8. Patent RF 2557412 Sposob poluchenija nanodispersnoj dobavki dlja betona [A method for producing nano-dispersed additives for concrete]. Lukutcova N.P., Ustinov A.G. Declared 12.12.2013. Published 20.07.2015. Bulletin No. 20. (In Russian).

For citation: Lukuttsova N.P., Ustinov A.G., Grebenchenko I.Yu. A New Type of the Modifier of Concrete Structure is an Additive on the Basis of Bio-Silicified Nano-Tubes. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2015. No. 11, pp. 17-19. (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0585-430X-2015-731-11-17-19

Wood-Cement Compositions with Structures Modified at Macro-, Micro-, and Nano-Levels

Number of journal: 11-2015

Gornostaeva E.Yu.
Lasman I.A.
Fedorenko E.A.
Kamoza E.V.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0585-430X-2015-731-11-13-16
УДК: 691.115


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The possibility of improvement of physical-technical characteristics of wood-cement compositions (WCC) by optimizing the structure at micro-, macro-, and nano-levels due to the regulation of sizes of wood filler particles and the use of additives of micro- and nano-dispersed silica is considered. It is established that the optimization of the grain composition of an organic filler makes it possible to obtain wood-cement compositions with compressive strength of 3.24 MPa that exceeds the compressive strength of samples produced without optimizing the grain composition of the filler by 45–49%. It is proved that the maximum increase of the compressive strength up to 9.4 MPa takes place when 30% of micro-silica is introduced into the composition. This is caused by two factors: the presence of silicon dioxide of amorphous modification in the additive of micro-silica which reacts with calcium hydroxide with formation of low-basic calcium hydro-silicates; compacting action of micro-particles filling the space between cement particles in the paste and products of hydration in the cement stone. The use of additives is due to their ability to interact with Portlandite and other products of cement hydration forming hardly soluble mixed salts which seal the pores. The structures with more dense packing are created and, as a result, WCCs with high physical-technical characteristics are produced.
E.Yu. GORNOSTAEVA, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
I.A. LASMAN, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
E.A. FEDORENKO, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
E.V. KAMOZA, Master student (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Bryansk State Engineering-Technological University (3, Stanke Dimitrova Avenue, Bryansk, 241037, Russian Federation)

1. Nanazashvili I.H. Stroitelnye materialy iz drevesno-tsementnoi kompozitsii [Building materials of wood-cement composition]. Leningrad: Stroyizdat. 1990. 415 p.
2. Rudenko B.D. Characteristics of wood-cement composite when using square chips. Lesnoy Zhurnal. 2009. No. 1, pp. 90–94. (In Russian).
3. Ugolev B.N. Experimental research of the influence of the nanostructure changes on wood deformability. Vestnik MGUL. 2012. Vol. 90. No. 7, pp. 124–126. (In Russian).
4. Lukutsova N., Lukashov S., Matveeva E. Research of the fine-grained concrete modified by nanoadditive. SITА. 2010. Vol. 12. No. 3, pp. 36–39.
5. Lukuttsova N.P., Gornostaeva E.Y., Polyakov S.V., Petrov R.O. Modification of wood-cement compositions with complex additives. Vestnik BGTU im V.G. Shukhova. 2013. No. 2, pp. 13–16. (In Russian).
6. Bazhenov Y.M., Alimov L.A., Voronin V.V. Struktura i svoystva betonov s nanomodifikatorami na osnove tekhnogennykh otkhodov. Monografiya [The structure and properties of concrete with nanomodifiers based on anthropogenic wastes. Monograph]. Moscow: MGSU. 2013. 204 p.
7. Dorzhieva E.V. Effect studies of sol-gel processes on the properties of cement stone. Nanotekhnologii v stroitel’stve. 2011. No. 6, pp. 66-73. (In Russian).

For citation: Gornostaeva E.Yu., Lasman I.A., Fedorenko E.A., Kamoza E.V. Wood-Cement Compositions with Structures Modified at Macro-, Micro-, and Nano-Levels. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2015. No. 11, pp. 13-16. (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0585-430X-2015-731-11-13-16

Extreme Simulation of Optimal Composition and Content of Micro-Filler in Concrete


Karpikov E.G.
Yanchenko V.S.
Koroleva E.L.
Semichev S.M.
Novikova V.I.
Patugin A.S.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0585-430X-2015-731-11-9-12
УДК: 519.85:669.9.031


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
On the basis of the environment of engineering and scientific computations Scilab, the programs of extreme simulation of experimental data Extr.sce and Interp.sce have been developed. The program Extr.sce makes it possible to optimize the initial compositions of micro-fillers with the use of data of the central composite orthogonal design of the full factorial experiment. On the basis of results of experimental data on determining physical-mechanical characteristics of fine concrete modified with micro-fillers of an optimal composition, the program Interp.sce makes it possible to define the optimal content of fillers in the composition of fine concrete. The solution of optimization problems is performed with the help of the search algorithm of maximal elements Max_z of interpolation data massive with obtaining their coordinates corresponding to the content of primary components of the micro-filler max_x and max_y, and plotting of visual models of data processing in the form of contour plots and 3d-plots of the interpolation surface for the program Extr.sce, as well as the search for maximal elements Max_y with obtaining coordinates corresponding to the content of the micro-filler in the composition of МЗБ max_x, with plotting of interpolation surface plots for the program Interp.sce. As a result of the use of the micro-filler content of which is optimized with the help of the developed program Extr.scr, on the basis of the extreme simulation in the program Interp.sce, it is possible to obtain the fine concrete with flexural strength 10,5 MPa at the filler content 10.3% of cement mass, compressive strength 47.37 MPa – 11.82%, density 2300.36 kg/m3 – 9.24%. The most optimal content of the micro-filler on the basis of wollastonite for producing the efficient fine concrete with high physical-mechanical characteristics is 10%.
E.G. KARPIKOV, Engineer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
V.S. YANCHENKO, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
E.L. KOROLEVA, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
S.M. SEMICHEV, Engineer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
V.I. NOVIKOVA, Master student (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
A.S. PATUGIN, Master student (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Bryansk State Engineering-Technological University (3, Stanke Dimitrova Avenue, Bryansk, 241037, Russian Federation)

1. Bukhanovskii A.E., Ivanov S.V., Nechaev Yu.I. Characteristics of experimental design while simulating extreme situations in the intelligent system of design research. Iskusstvennyi intellekt. 2012. No. 3, pp. 228–240. (In Russian).
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6. Lukuttsova N.P., Karpikov E.G., Dyagterev E.V., Tuzhikova M.Yu. High-performance fine concrete modified with nano-disperse wollastonite-based additive. Concrete and reinforced concrete – prospection: Materials of III All-Russian (II International) Conference on Concrete and Reinforced Concrete. Moscow: MGSU. 2014, pp. 180–184. (In Russian).
7. Lukuttsova N., Luginina I., Karpikov E., Pykin A., Ystinov A., Pinchukova I. High-performance fine concrete modified with nano-dispersion additive. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER). 2014. Vol. 9. No. 22, pp. 15825–15833.
8. Bazhenov Yu.M., Lukuttsova N.P., Karpikov E.G. Fine concrete modified by complex micro-dispersed additive. Vestnik MGSU. 2013. No. 2, pp. 94–100. (In Russian).
9. Geger’ V.Ya., Lukuttsova N.P., Karpikov E.G., Petrov R.O Improving the efficiency of fine concrete by complex micro-dispersed additive. Vestnik BGTU im. V.G. Shukhova. 2013. No. 3, pp. 15–18. (In Russian).
10. Lukuttsova N.P., Karpikov E.G. Energy-efficient fine concrete with complex microfiller. Stroitel’stvo i rekonstruktsiya. 2014. No. 5 (55), pp. 94–100. (In Russian).

For citation: Karpikov E.G., Yanchenko V.S., Koroleva E.L., Semichev S.M., Novikova V.I., Patugin A.S. Extreme Simulation of Optimal Composition and Content of Micro-Filler in Concrete. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2015. No. 11, pp. 9-12. (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0585-430X-2015-731-11-9-12

Photo-Catalytic Pavement on the Basis of Additive of Nano-Disperse Titanium Dioxide

Number of journal: 11-2015

Lukuttsova N.P.
Postnikova O.A.
Soboleva G.N.
Rotar’ D.V.
Ogloblina E.V.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0585-430X-2015-731-11-5-8
УДК: 666. 972:6-022.532


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The possibility to use the additive of nano-disperse titanium dioxide in the structural form of anatase, obtained by the ultra-sound dispersion of pigment powder in water medium of sodium oleate, as a phto-catalytic pavement on the concrete surface ensuring its high self-cleaning capacity is theoretically and experimentally substantiated. Theoretical and experimental assessment of the photo-catalytic activity of the additive containing nano-particles TiO2 is made. The dependences of changing the intensity of coloring of organic pigments, methylene red and methylene blue, on the duration of the ultraviolet radiation exposure are obtained. The established change in optical density of the coating from 0.328 to 0.093 (by 3.5 times) demonstrates the decrease in the concentration of the organic pigment on the substrate of the additive of nano-dispersed titanium dioxide confirming the intensity
of the photocatalytic reaction due to the high oxidizing capacity of the medium formed on the surface of particles TiO2 under the impact of UV light.
N.P. LUKUTTSOVA, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
O.A. POSTNIKOVA, Engineer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
G.N. SOBOLEVA, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
D.V. ROTAR’, Engineer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
E.V. OGLOBLINA, Master student (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Bryansk State Engineering-Technological University (3, Stanke Dimitrova Avenue, Bryansk, 241037, Russian Federation)

1. Lukutcova N.P., Postnikova O.A., Nikolaenko A.N., Macaenko A.A., Tuzhikova M.Ju. Increase of ecological safety of decorative fine concrete through the use of man-made sand glauconite. Stroitel'stvo i rekonstrukcija. 2014. No. 1, pp. 79–83. (In Russian).
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8. Chudakova, O.A., Lukutcova, N.P., Hotchenkov, P.V. Nanoparticles of titanium dioxide in the conditions of various stabilizers. Problems of innovative biosphere-compatible social and economic development in the construction, housing and communal and road complex: Proceedings of the 2-nd International Scientific and Practical Conference. Brjansk: BGITA. 2010. Vol. 1, pp. 273–278. (In Russian).
9. Hela R., Bodnarova L. Research of possibilities of testing effectiveness of photoactive TiO2 in concrete. Stroitel'nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2015. No. 2, pp. 77–81. (In Russian).
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For citation: Lukuttsova N.P., Postnikova O.A., Soboleva G.N., Rotar’ D.V., Ogloblina E.V. Photo-Catalytic Pavement on the Basis of Additive of Nano-Disperse Titanium Dioxide. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2015. No. 11, pp. 5-8. (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0585-430X-2015-731-11-5-8

Problems of Use of Penetrating Waterproofing

Number of journal: 10-2015

Meshcheryakov Yu.G.
Fedorov S.V.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0585-430X-2015-730-10-80-81
УДК: 691.3:676.019.3


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
An issue of application of a dry mix of «penetrating waterproofing», which makes it possible to improve the density and water resistance of the wet concrete and mortar on the basis of Portland cement and its species in construction, is considered. However, there are some factors which ambiguously influence on the final state of the concrete stone. When applying the «penetrating waterproofing», improving the water resistance is achieved due to changing the structure of concrete, reducing its porosity, but the solubility of components of the cement stone does not change. Therefore, in the course of subsequent operation an increase in water permeability at dissolving the components of cement stone is possible. The wide use of «penetrating water proofing» in the construction practice requires the development of methods for control over mass-exchange processes.
Yu.G. MESHCHERYAKOV, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Head of «Building Materials» Department
S.V. FEDOROV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Head of Division, Center of competences in operational and supporting processes (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Saint-Petersburg Branch of Rosatom Central Institute for continuing education and training (4 A Aerodromnaya Street, 187348 St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)

1. Popchenko S.N. Gidroizolyatsiya sooruzheniy i zdaniy [Waterproofing of constructions and buildings]. Leningrad: Stroyizdat. 1981. 304 p.
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4. Savilova G.N. Waterproofing buildings. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2003. No. 7, pp. 32–34. (In Russian).
5. Sinyavsky V.V. Materials for waterproofing and hydrophobic structures. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2003. No. 5, pp. 22–25. (In Russian).
6. Latysheva L.Y., Smirnov S.V. How to protect against water and dampness. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2003. No. 8, pp. 24–28. (In Russian).
7. Babushkin V.I., Proshhin O.Ju., Kondrashhenko E.V. i dr. The new guide-roizolyatsionye materials penetrating type VIATRON. StrojPrajs. 2004. No. 40 (210), pp. 8–9.
8. Leoushin V.U., Grigoriev I.A. The effective method of protection of concrete and reinforced concrete structures: penetrating waterproofing. Byulleten’ stroitel’noy tekhniky. 2010. No. 2 (906), pp. 54–56. (In Russian).
9. Valtsifer I.V., Sizeneva I.P., Saenko E.V., Valtsifer V.N., Strelnikov V.N. Development of penetrating waterproofing composition for the concrete constructional elements. Promyshlennoe i grazhdanskoe stroitel’stvo. 2010. No. 12, pp. 46–48. (In Russian).
10. Moskvin V.N. i dr. Korroziya betona i zhelezobetona, metody zashchity [Corrosion of concrete and reinforced concrete, protection methods]. Moscow: Stroyizdat. 1980. 536 p.

For citation: Meshcheryakov Yu.G., Fedorov S.V. Problems of Use of Penetrating Waterproofing. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2015. No. 10, pp. 80-81. (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0585-430X-2015-730-10-80-81

Evaluation of Crack Resistance of a Finishing Layer on the Basis of Dry Glue Mix with the Use of Synthesized Aluminum Silicates

Number of journal: 10-2015

Loganina V.I.
Ariskin M.V.
Karpova O.V.
Zhegera K.V.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0585-430X-2015-730-10-86-88
УДК: 691.588


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The composition of dry glue mix with a cement binder and an additive on the basis of synthesized aluminum silicates are presented. The recipe includes Portland cement, filler (sand), plasticizer, polymeric and mineral additives. The calculation of temperature distribution along the section of the enclosing structure is made. The stress state of the glue layer depending on temperature stresses occurring in the enclosing structure is considered. Values of maximal tensile and compressive stresses along the strike and thickness of the glue layer are presented. It is shown that the glue layer on the basis of the dry mix on the cement base with use of synthesized aluminum silicates is a crack resistant.
V.I. LOGANINA, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
M.V. ARISKIN, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)
O.V. KARPOVA, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)
K.V. ZHEGERA, Engineer

Penza State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (28, Germana Titova Street, Penza, 440028, Russian Federation)

1. Loganina V.I., Zhegera K.V. Influence on structure synthesized alumosilicate cement dry building mixes. Vestnik BGTU im. V.G. Shuhova. 2014. No. 5, pp. 36–40. (In Russian).
2. Loganina V.I., Zhegera K.V. Evaluating the effectiveness of the use of synthetic alumosilicates in cement systems. Akademicheskiy vestnik UralNIIproekt RAASN. 2014. No. 3, pp. 84–87. (In Russian).
3. Fokin K.F., Tabunshhikova Ju.A., Gagarina V.G. Stroitel’naja teplotehnika ograzhdajushhih chastej zdanij [Thermal engineering envelope of the building]. Moscow: AVOK-PRESS. 2006. 256 p.
4. Gorchakov G.I., Lifanov I.I., Terehin L.N. Kojefficienty temperaturnogo rasshirenija i temperaturnye deformacii stroitel’nyh materialov [Coefficients of thermal expansion and thermal deformation of building materials]. Moscow: Committee of standards, measures and instruments at the Council of Ministers USSR. 1968. 167 p.
5. Il’inskiy V.M. Stroitel’naja teplofizika (ograzhdajushhie konstrukcii i mikroklimat zdanij) [Building thermal physics (envelope and the microclimate of buildings)]. Moscow: Vysshaja shkola. 1974. 320 p.
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For citation: Loganina V.I., Ariskin M.V., Karpova O.V., Zhegera K.V. Evaluation of Crack Resistance of a Finishing Layer on the Basis of Dry Glue Mix with the Use of Synthesized Aluminum Silicates. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2015. No. 10, pp. 86-88. (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0585-430X-2015-730-10-86-88

Influence of Ultrasonic Treatment of Cement Paste on Physical-Mechanical Properties of Cement Compositions

Number of journal: 10-2015

Pimenov A.I.
Ibragimov R.A.
Izotov V.S.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0585-430X-2015-730-10-82-85
УДК: 691.33


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The article presents the data on the impact of activation of mixing water and ultrasonic treatment on the kinetics of heat emission and time of setting of cement paste as well as on the strength of cement-sand mortar. It is shown that increasing the intensity of ultrasonic impact reduces both the beginning of setting and the end of setting of cement paste. The joint combination of mixing water activation and ultrasonic treatment of the modified cement paste makes it possible to significantly improve the strength of mortar mixes. The kinetics of heat emission of cement paste mixed with activated water and subjected to the ultrasonic impact demonstrates the acceleration of processes of hydration and structure formation of cement stone that is of practical importance for monolithic construction.
A.I. PIMENOV, Engineer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
R.A. IBRAGIMOV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)
V.S. IZOTOV, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering)

Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering (1, Zelenaya Street, Kazan, 420043, Russian Federation)

1. Robler C., Stockigh M., Peters S., Ludwig H.-M. Power- ultrasound – an efficient method to accelerate setting and early strength development of concrete. F.A. Finger-Institute for building Materials Science, Bauhaus- University Weimar, Germany, 2009.
2. Daniel Peter Kennedy. A study to determine and quantify the benefits of using power ultrasound technology in a precast concrete manufacturing environment. Trinity College Dublin, 2012
3. Patent RF 2371414 C1. Betonnaya smes’ [Concrete mix]. Belov V.V., Kuznecov M.Yu., Brycov A.S.; Declared 03.04.2008, Published 27.10.2009.
4. Safronov V.N., Kugaevskaya S.A., Rumyantseva E.V. Cyclic magnetic activation of liquid environments of a zatvoreniye with the broken structure of various chemical composition. Vestnik TGASU. № 3, 2012, pp.133–142.
5. Bazhenov Yu.M., Fomichev V.T. Theoretical justification of receiving concrete on the basis of electrochemical and elektromagnitnoaktivirovanny water of mixing. Internet-vestnik VolgGASU. 2012, №2 (22).
6. Kudyakov A.I., Petrov A.G., Petrov G.G., Ikonnikova K.V. Improvements of quality of a cement stone by multifrequency ultrasonic activation of water of mixing. Vestnik TGASU. № 3, 2012, pp.143–152.
7. Luk’yanchenko M., Dzhelyal A., Strubalin A. Influence of technological parameters on durability of different types of water firm suspensions knitting at ultrasonic processing. Motrol. Сommission of motorization and energetic in agriculture. Lublin-Rzeszow, Vol.15, №5, 2013, 17–22.
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For citation: Pimenov A.I., Ibragimov R.A., Izotov V.S. Influence of Ultrasonic Treatment of Cement Paste on Physical-Mechanical Properties of Cement Compositions. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2015. No. 10, pp. 82-85. (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0585-430X-2015-730-10-82-85

The Use of a Digital Microscope When Monitoring Macro-roughness of Pavements of Pedestrian Bridge Structures

Number of journal: 10-2015

Yankovsky L.V.
Kokodeeva N.E.
Trofimenko Yu.A.
Valiev Sh.N.
Shashkov I.G.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0585-430X-2015-730-10-75-79
УДК: 351.811.112


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The development of methods for technical rate setting and instrumental monitoring of the geometry of the composite material surface with preserved properties after aggressive media and climatic impacts is presented. As an instrumental device for monitoring, a digital video- and photo-microscope with two hundredfold increase has been selected. Recommendations on the selection of increase of the investigated object depending on its size are formulated. A mean square deviation of the difference in height is 0.3 – 1 mm that meets the requirement for the coefficient of friction. The digital microscope was used when monitoring the quality of floor pavements of pedestrian bridge structures on the highway “Don”. Among others, the results of monitoring were used for evaluating parameters of macro-roughness of the floor pavement of the aboveground pedestrian crossing. Monitoring data were stored in the software complex for the consistent accumulation and subsequent analysis of the efficiency of the innovation use at objects of the state company “Avtodor”. In the course of monitoring, the road mobile laboratory of the Volga educational-scientific center “Volgodortrans” of the Saratov State Technical University named after Yu.A. Gagarin was used.
L.V. YANKOVSKY1, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
N.E. KOKODEEVA2, Doctor Sciences (Engineering)
Yu.A. TROFIMENKO2, Engineer
Sh.N. VALIEV3, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)
I.G. SHASHKOV4, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)

1 Perm National Research Polytechnic University (29a, Komsomolsky Avenue, 614600, Perm, Russian Federation)
2 Saratov State Technical University named after Yu.A. Gagarin (77, Politekhnicheskaya Street, 410054, Saratov, Russian Federation)
3 Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University (64, Leningradsky Avenue, 125319, Moscow, Russian Federation)
4 Air Force Academy named after professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin (54A, Starykh Bolshevikov Street, 394064, Voronezh, Russian Federation)

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2. Немчинов М.В. Текстура поверхности дорожных покрытий. Том 2. Описание и количественные результаты экспериментальных исследований. Примеры расчетов. Методика расчета глубины текстуры поверхности слоя износа (по типу поверхностной обработки). М.: ТехПолиграфЦентр, 2010. 156 с.
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5. Суслиганов П.С. Совершенствование методов контроля качества устройства дорожных покрытий с шероховатой поверхностью. Дис. канд. техн. наук. Волгоград, 2006.
6. Kochetkov A.V., Yankovsky L.V., Kadyrov Zh.N. Standardization of roughness of products of the machine-building industry on the basis of variable height indicator of ledges and variable depth indicator of hollowsas an extension of state Standard GOST 2789–73 // Chemical and Petroleum Engineering. 2014. Vol. 50. Is. 1–2, pp. 50–57.
7. Кочетков А.В., Янковский Л.В., Сухов А.А. Нормирование макрошероховатости поверхностей // Вестник гражданских инженеров. Серия «Архитектура. Строительство. Транспорт». 2013. № 1 (36). С. 137–144.
8. Сухов А.А. Совершенствование методов исследования безопасности движения с учетом вариативности коэффициента сцепления макрошероховатых дорожных покрытий. Дис. канд. техн. наук. Волгоград, 2014.

For citation: Yankovsky L.V., Kokodeeva N.E., Trofimenko Yu.A., Valiev Sh.N., Shashkov I.G. The Use of a Digital Microscope When Monitoring Macro-roughness of Pavements of Pedestrian Bridge Structures. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2015. No. 10, pp. 00-00. (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0585-430X-2015-730-10-75-79
