By dateBy autorsBy Tags
- Abakumova T.A.
- Abbas Abdel-Sater
- Abbas Abdulhussein Abd Noor
- Abbasova S.I.
- Abd Elnaby S.
- Abdel Aziz F Mohamed
- Abdelmegeed M.
- Abdrakhmanova L.A.
- Abdrashitova L.R.
- Abdulkhakova A.A.
- Abramov A.M.
- Abramov I.V.
- Abramov M.A.
- Abramov V.E.
- Abramova A.I.
- Abramova A.Yu.
- Abyzov V.A.
- Adamov А.А.
- Adamtsevich A.O.
- Adamtsevich L.A.
- Afanas’ev P.I.
- Afonin V.V.
- Agafonova N.Z.
- Agamov R.E.
- Ageev A.V.
- Ahmad M. El-Azab
- Ahmed Abd el Aziz
- Ahmed Al Ghaban
- Ahmed’yanov R.М.
- Aistov V.А.
- Aizyatullin Kh.A.
- Ajsarina A.A.
- Akberov A.A.
- Akberova S.M.
- Akhmadullin R.R.
- Akhmetzyanova M.A.
- Akhtariev R.R.
- Akhtyamov R.Ya.
- Aksenov E.M.
- Aksenov I.S.
- Akst D.V.
- Akulova I.I.
- Akulova M.V.
- Al-Dulaimi Salman Davud Salman
- Al-Khawaf A.F.Q.
- Al-Surrayvi H.G.H.
- Al-Sweity M.
- Al’bakasov A.I.
- Alaskhanov A.Kh.
- Albutov A.V.
- Alekhin D.A.
- Aleksandrov A.S.
- Aleksandrov G.N.
- Aleksandrova M.N.
- Aleksandrova O.V.
- Alekseev S.V.
- Aleshkin V.M.
- Alexandrov A.M.
- Alferov V.I.
- Alfimova N.I.
- Aliev E.V.
- Almatov A.S.
- Almazov S.M.
- Aloyan R.M.
- Altun F.
- Aminov V.N.
- Amr A Elhamy
- Ananyeva Y.S.
- Ananуev S.V.
- Andreev A.S.
- Andreeva E.E.
- Andreeva E.V.
- Andreeva N.P.
- Andreeva Yu.E.
- Andreitseva K.S.
- Andrianov A.V.
- Andrianov К.A.
- Andriyanov G.V.
- Andronov S.Yu.
- Anikanova L.A.
- Anikanova T.V.
- Anisimova S.V.
- Anpilov S.M.
- Anshits A.G.
- Antakov A.B.
- Antipina S.A.
- Antonio Nanni
- Antonov A.I.
- Antonychev S.V.
- Antsibor A.V.
- Antsupova S.G.
- Antyshev D.G.
- Anvarov B.R.
- Anvarov A.R.
- Araslankin S.V.
- Argynbaev T.M.
- Arinina E.S.
- Ariskin M.V.
- Ariskina K.A.
- Ariskina R.A.
- Arkhincheeva N.V.
- Arleninov P.D.
- Artamonov A.V.
- Artamonova O.V.
- Artamonova T.A.
- Artemenko A.A.
- Asamatdinov M.O.
- Aseel B. Al Zubaidi
- Aselderov B.S.
- Ashmarin A.G.
- Askadskii A.A.
- Astafieva M.A.
- Astafurov A.A.
- Aubakirova I.U.
- Avanesov V.S.
- Avdusheva M.A.
- Aver’yanenko Yu.A.
- Averina G.F.
- Averkiev I.К.
- Avramenko V.A.
- Avtukhovich V.V.
- Ayupov D.A.
- Ayurova O.Zh.
- Ayzenshtadt A.M.
- Azan P.M.
- Babaev A.I.
- Babenko D.S.
- Babkov V.V.
- Babushkina D.A.
- Badmaeva E.V.
- Baev S.M.
- Bagaeva L.A.
- Bahrah A.M.
- Baishev K.F.
- Baishev N.K.
- Bajenov D.A.
- Bakaeva N.V.
- Bakanov M.O.
- Bakhtin A.S.
- Bakhtina T.A.
- Bakusov P.A.
- Balakireva V.V.
- Baldaeva T.M.
- Balitsky D.A.
- Balobanova Yu.A.
- Balykov A.S.
- Banul V.V.
- Barabash A.D.
- Barabash D.E.
- Barakhtenko V.V.
- Baranov A.A.
- Baranov E.V.
- Baranov I.M.
- Baranova E.N.
- Baranova M.N.
- Barinova O.S.
- Barkaya T.R.
- Bartenyeva E.A.
- Bashirov E.H.
- Bashmakov I.A.
- Baskakov P.S.
- Bataev D.K-S.
- Batin M.A.
- Batova М.D.
- Batyushenko A.A.
- Batyzhev D.Z.
- Bayburin A.Kh.
- Baykina N.V.
- Bayssary M.F.
- Bazanov A.V.
- Bazhenov K.A.
- Bazhenov Yu.M.
- Bazhenova I.S.
- Bazhenova S.I.
- Bednyagin S.V.
- Bedov A.I.
- Begunova E.V.
- Begunova N.V.
- Bekmansurov M.R.
- Bekmurzaeva L.R.
- Bel’kova N.A.
- Belanovich A.L.
- Belentsov Yu.A.
- Belichenko E.A.
- Belov V.V.
- Belova T.K.
- Belyaev V.S.
- Belyaeva S.V.
- Berdnik Ya.A.
- Berdov G.I.
- Beregovoy V.A.
- Berezovsky P.V.
- Bernatsky A.F.
- Beskopylnaya N.I.
- Beskopylny A.N.
- Beskrovny N.Ya.
- Bessonov I.V.
- Bessonov S.V.
- Bessonova L.P.
- Bezrodnykh A.A.
- Bikaeva Yu.V.
- Bikbau M.Ya.
- Bikbulatov M.R.
- Biktasheva A.R.
- Bilenko G.R.
- Bisultanov R.G.
- Blazhko V.P.
- Blaznov A.N.
- Blyudenov A.P.
- Boatsmain L.N.
- Bobin V.A.
- Bobina A.V.
- Bobrova E.Yu.
- Bocharnikov A.L.
- Bocharnikov A.S.
- Bochkov M.V.
- Bodnarova L.
- Bodyakov A.N.
- Bogatina A.Yu.
- Bogatov A.D.
- Bogdanov R.R.
- Bogdanov V.F.
- Bogdanov А.N.
- Bogdanovskiy A.L.
- Bogomazova A.A.
- Bogomolov O.V.
- Bogomolova L.K.
- Boldyrev G.V.
- Bondarenko A.V.
- Bondarenko D.O.
- Bondarenko S.N.
- Bondarenko V.V.
- Bondarev A.B.
- Bondarev B.A.
- Borchok Z.
- Borisenko Yu.G.
- Borisenko О.А.
- Borisov A.E.
- Borisov K.B.
- Borisova A.A.
- Borkov P.V.
- Borodulina A.I.
- Borovskikh I.V.
- Borsch V.A.
- Borsuk O.I.
- Botka E.N.
- Bozhko Yu.A.
- Brazhnik A.V.
- Britvina E.A.
- Brusser M.I.
- Bruyako M.G.
- Bryanskih T.B.
- Brynzin E.V.
- Bubnova Т.Р.
- Buchkin A.V.
- Bueantuev S.L.
- Bugaevskaya S.А.
- Buiantuev S.L.
- Bukovtsova A.I.
- Bul’bashev A.A.
- Bul’basheva I.A.
- Bulatov B.G.
- Buldyzhova E.N.
- Bulgakov B.I.
- Burdonov A.E.
- Burkhanova R.A.
- Burnashev A.I.
- Buruchenko A.E.
- Buryanov A.F.
- Butakova M.D.
- Butkevich G.R.
- Butrimova N.V.
- Butuzov G.M.
- Buyantuev S.L.
- Buyantuev V.Т.
- Buzalo N.A.
- Buzulukov V.I.
- Bykov G.S.
- Černy Vit
- Chayka T.V.
- Chechulin V.L.
- Chekhny G.V.
- Chekushina T.V.
- Chelyshev V.V.
- Chepizubov I.G.
- Cherevatova A.V.
- Cherevko S.A.
- Cherkashina N.I.
- Cherkasov D.V.
- Cherkasov V.D.
- Cherkasskaya S.V.
- Cherneykin M.A.
- Chernikhovsky B.A.
- Chernousov N.N.
- Chernousov R.N.
- Chernousova O.V.
- Chernov E.I.
- Chernukhin S.P.
- Chernykh T.N.
- Chernysheva N.V.
- Chernyshov E.M.
- Chesnokov R.A.
- Chibisov A.A.
- Chigasov A.V.
- Chigrina O.S.
- Chilin I.A.
- Chistyakov E.A.
- Chizhov R.V.
- Chugunkov D.V.
- Chuikin A.E.
- Chulkova I.L.
- Chumachenko N.G.
- Cybenko A.V.
- Dambaev Zh.G.
- Damrina N.V.
- Danakin D.N.
- Danilov A.M.
- Danilov V.E.
- Danzanov D.V.
- Datukashvili D.O.
- Davaahuu Nyamdorj
- Daviduk A.N.
- Davidyuk A.A.
- Davydov E.M.
- Deberdeev R.Ya.
- Deberdeev T.R.
- Dem’yanov A.I.
- Demchuk I.E.
- Demchuk O.G.
- Dementieva E.V.
- Demin K.A.
- Demissi B.A.
- Demyanenko O.V.
- Denisov A.S.
- Denisov V.P.
- Denisova A.D.
- Denisova Yu.V.
- Derbenev A.V.
- Derbinyan G.K.
- Dergunov S.A.
- Dergunova E.S.
- Derkach V.N.
- Detochenko I.A.
- Devochkin А.I.
- Didrikh I.V.
- Dimukhametova A.F.
- Din An Nin
- Diteleva A.O.
- Dmitriev A.V.
- Dmitrieva M.A.
- Dmitrieva T.V.
- Do T.Ch.
- Dobshits L.M.
- Dokuchaeva T.A.
- Dolgova V.O.
- Domanskaya I.K.
- Domarova E.V.
- Dorf V.A.
- Dorofeeva O.S.
- Doroshin A.V.
- Dorozhkin A.A.
- Dorzhieva E.V.
- Doung T.Q.
- Drebezgova M.Yu.
- Drochitka R.
- Drozdov O.I.
- Drozdyuk T.A.
- Druzhinin M.S.
- Dryuchevskaya L.N.
- Du Tao
- Dubinetskiy V.V.
- Dubrovin А.I.
- Dubrovina G.G.
- Dubrovina Yu.Yu.
- Dubtsova E.Yu.
- Dubynin N.V.
- Dudareva M.O.
- Dudareva T.V.
- Duguev S.V.
- Dukhanina U.N.
- Dulesova I.G.
- Dyachenko N.E.
- Dzhabarov A.S.
- Dzhamuev B.K.
- Dzhantimirov Kh.A.
- Eduardo A. Villen Salan
- Efimenko Yu.V.
- Efimov B.A.
- Efishov L.I.
- Efremenkov V.V.
- Efremochkin R.A.
- Egorov Yu.M.
- El Ashkar N.
- El-Hassanieh L.S.
- Elchishcheva T.F.
- Elenova A.A.
- Elesin M.A.
- Elin N.N.
- Eliseev D.M.
- Eliseeva N.I.
- Elistratkin M.Yu.
- Elohov A.E.
- Elrefai A.E.M.M.
- Emelianov A.I.
- Emelianov D.N.
- Emelianov S.G.
- Eremeev P.G.
- Eremenko S.A.
- Eremin A.V.
- Eremin K.I.
- Erenchinov S.A.
- Ergenyan A.M.
- Ermukhanbet M.A.
- Erofeev V.T.
- Erofeeva I.V.
- Ershov M.N.
- Eruslanova E.V.
- Eshchenko A.I.
- Eskin A.A.
- Etenko V.P.
- Evel’son L.I.
- Evsyakov A.S.
- Evtushenko A.S.
- Evtushenko S.I.
- Ezernitskaya M.G.
- Ezerskiy V.A.
- Fadeev A.S.
- Fakhrutdinov A.E.
- Fakhrutdinova V. Kh.
- Falikman V.R.
- Farafonov A.E.
- Fathutdinov A.R.
- Fatkullin R.N.
- Fedchenko E.V.
- Fediuk R.S.
- Fedorchuk N.M.
- Fedorenko E.A.
- Fedorkin S.I.
- Fedorov A.V.
- Fedorov P.A.
- Fedorov S.V.
- Fedorov Yu.N.
- Fedorova G.D.
- Fedorova N.V.
- Fedortsov A.P.
- Fedortsov V.A.
- Fedoseev V.N.
- Fedoseeva I.P.
- Fedosov S.V.
- Fedotov A.A.
- Fedulov A.A.
- Filatov A.V.
- Filatov E.F.
- Filipenko P.V.
- Firsov V.V.
- Fisenko S.S.
- Fisher H.B.
- Fiskind E.S.
- Florensky V.M.
- Fomenko А.I.
- Fomin A.E.
- Fomin A.Yu.
- Fomin N.I.
- Fomina E.V.
- Fomina N.N.
- Fomina O.A.
- Fotin O.V.
- Frank-Kamenetskaya O.V.
- Frolov A.A.
- Frolova I.G.
- Frolova M.A.
- Gabitov A.I.
- Gafipov A.T.
- Gagarin V.G.
- Gahramanly Yu.N.
- Gaifullin A.R.
- Gainutdinov I.I.
- Gaishun A.S.
- Gaishun E.S.
- Gakhramanov S.G.
- Gal’tseva N.A.
- Galaktionov O.N.
- Galautdinov A.R.
- Galeev I.A.
- Galitskov K.S.
- Galkin A.F.
- Gallyamova A.R.
- Galtsev A.A.
- Gamaliy E.A.
- Ganzhov V.A.
- Gareev R.R.
- Gareeva R.R.
- Garkavi M.S.
- Garkina I.A.
- Garkusheva N.M.
- Gataullin A.V.
- Gatsaev Z.Sh.
- Gavrish V.М.
- Gaynutdinova G.Kh.
- Gayshun E.S.
- Gaysin A.M.
- Gaziev M.A.
- Gazimov A.Z.
- Gel’fond А.L.
- Gengut I.B.
- Gerasimenko A.A.
- Gerasimov D.V.
- Gichko N.O.
- Gikalo M.A.
- Gil’mutdinov T.Z.
- Ginchitskaya Yu.N.
- Ginchitsky E.О.
- Gizatullin B.I.
- Gizdatullin A.R.
- Gizzatullin A.R.
- Gladkikh V.A.
- Gladkin S.S.
- Glagolev E.S.
- Glazachev A.O.
- Glazkov R.A.
- Gnedina L.Yu.
- Gnezdilova E.A.
- Gnip I.J.
- Goglev I.N.
- Gogua O.K.
- Gol’cev V.A.
- Golotenko D.S.
- Golovanov V.I.
- Golovin D.V.
- Golovin N.G.
- Golovin S.N.
- Golubev V.A.
- Goncharenko E.G.
- Goncharov Y.A.
- Goncharova M.A.
- Gonchikova E.V.
- Goneev V.V.
- Gontarenko B.Yu.
- Gorbachev B.F.
- Gorbacheva G.A.
- Gorbacheva O.A.
- Gorbachevskikh K.A.
- Gorbatova V.N.
- Gorbunov A.M.
- Gorbunov N.I.
- Gorbunova E.A.
- Gordeeva I.V.
- Gordina A.F.
- Goreglyad S. Yu.
- Gorin V.M.
- Gornostaeva E.Yu.
- Gorshkov A.S.
- Govryakov I.S.
- Gradova O.V.
- Grakhov V.P.
- Granev V.V.
- Granik M.Yu.
- Granovsky A.V.
- Gravit M.V.
- Grebenchenko I.Yu.
- Gridchin A.M.
- Gridchina A.A.
- Grigor’eva M.N.
- Grinfel’d G.I.
- Grinfeld G.I.
- Grishina A.N.
- Grunin Yu.B.
- Grushevskaya E.N.
- Grushko I.S.
- Gruzintseva N.A.
- Gryzlov V.S.
- Gryzunov R.N.
- Gubareva E.N.
- Gubskaya A.G.
- Gubskiy A.Yu.
- Gudkov P.K.
- Gulabyants L.A.
- Gumarov A.I.
- Gumeniuk A.N.
- Gur’eva V.A.
- Gurevich B.I.
- Gurinovich V.Yu.
- Gurov N.G.
- Gurov R.N.
- Gusar' O.A.
- Gusev B.V.
- Gusev V.P.
- Guseva T.V.
- Gutnikov S.I.
- Guvalov A.A.
- Guvernyuk, S.V.
- Haev T.EH.
- Hagverdieva T.A.
- Hakberdiev U.N.
- Hakimullin Yu.N.
- Harchenko I.Ya.
- Haro O.E.
- Hasanshin R.R.
- Havránek Jirí
- Hela R.
- Helmy S.
- Hossam S. Khalil
- Hozin V.G.
- Hyman A.
- Ibraev A.A.
- Ibragimov A.M.
- Ibragimov R.A.
- Ibrahim A. Sharaky
- Il'ina A.A.
- Il’in D.A.
- Il’ina L.V.
- Il’ina V.V.
- Iljuhin V.V.
- Iljuhina L.G.
- Ilvitskaya S.V.
- Ilvitsky D.Yu.
- Ilyasova S.V.
- Ilyukhin A.V.
- Inozemtcev A.S.
- Inozemtcev S.S.
- Ionov M.Ch.
- Isachenko S.L.
- Isaeva Yu.V.
- Ishchuk M.K.
- Ishmuhametov D.A.
- Islamov A.M.
- Ismagilov A.R.
- Ismailova Z.Kh.
- Isterin E.V.
- Istomin B.S.
- Ivanov A.F.
- Ivanov A.I.
- Ivanov I.M.
- Ivanov S.I.
- Ivanov S.Yu.
- Ivanov V.G.
- Ivanova A.V.
- Ivanova I.S.
- Ivanova N.A.
- Ivanova V.B.
- Ivashkin A.N.
- Ivlev M.A.
- Izotov V.S.
- Izryadnova O.V.
- Jabbarova N.E.
- Jafarov R.
- Jarolim T.
- Jihad Sakr
- Jur’ev B.P.
- Kabanova M.K.
- Kabirov R.R.
- Kaddo M.B.
- Kadiev D.Z.
- Kadomtseva E.E.
- Kadyrova N.E.
- Kaklyugin A.V.
- Kakuasha V.A.
- Kalabina D.A.
- Kalashnikov R.V.
- Kalashnikov V.A.
- Kalashnikov V.I.
- Kalaydo A.V.
- Kalgin Yu.I.
- Kalinina M.S.
- Kalinina N.N.
- Kalistratova E.O.
- Kalitina M.A.
- Kalle Kuusk
- Kalmakova P.S.
- Kalmykov D.A.
- Kalugin A.A.
- Kambalina I.V.
- Kameneva E.E.
- Kamoza E.V.
- Kancher S.V.
- Kanev N.G.
- Kanishchev A.N.
- Kanishev A.S.
- Kaprielov S.S.
- Kaptyushina A.G.
- Kapustin D.E.
- Kara-Sal B.K.
- Karakozova I.V.
- Karandy I.V.
- Kardumyan G.S.
- Karelskiy A.M.
- Karpeev S.V.
- Karpenko M.A.
- Karpenko N.I.
- Karpenko S.N.
- Karpikov E.G.
- Karpova E.A.
- Karpova O.V.
- Karpushenkov S.A.
- Karpushenkova L.S.
- Karpushin S.N.
- Kasatkina A.V.
- Kashapov R.R.
- Kashevarova G.G.
- Kashurkin A.Yu.
- Kasikov A.G.
- Kassab M.
- Kastornykh L.I.
- Kasumov A.Sh.
- Kasyanenko N.S.
- Kasymova M.T.
- Kayumova E.I.
- Kaz’mina A.V.
- Kazakulov R.I.
- Kazantseva I.L.
- Kazantseva L.K.
- Kazaryan S.O.
- Kechutkina E.L.
- Keita M.L.F.
- Kejmakh M.D.
- Kekina S.N.
- Kelexsaev А.V.
- Kemp R.G.
- Kenewei E.
- Kerene J.
- Kesariyskiy A.G.
- Ketov A.A.
- Ketov P.A.
- Ketov Yu.A.
- Ketsko E.S.
- Khababutdinova N.B.
- Khabibulin Sh.A.
- Khaev T.E.
- Khafizova E.N.
- Khagleev A.N.
- Khakhaleva E.N.
- Khalikov R.M.
- Khaliullin I.M.
- Khamidulina D.D.
- Khardaev P.K.
- Kharitonov A.M.
- Kharitonov V.A.
- Kharkhardin A.N.
- Kharuk G.N.
- Khasen B.P.
- Khat’kov V.Yu.
- Khayutin Yu.G.
- Khazeev D.R.
- Khirkhasova V.I.
- Khmara N.O.
- Khmelev A.B.
- Khodyreva M.A.
- Khokhlova N.V.
- Khokhryakov O.V.
- Kholmogorov M.E.
- Kholopov Y.A.
- Khomyakova E.N.
- Khorokhordin А.М.
- Khorokhordina E.A.
- Khozin V.G.
- Khritankov V.F.
- Khrunov V.A.
- Khrustalev B.M.
- Khryapchenkova I.N.
- Khudovekova E.A.
- Khudyakova L.I.
- Khuziakhmetova K.R.
- Kičaitė A.
- Kilyusheva N.V.
- Kim A.A.
- Kim L.V.
- Kinzyabulatova D.F.
- Kireeva E.I.
- Kirillov A.M.
- Kirillova E.V.
- Kiselev I.Ya.
- Kiselev N.N.
- Kislyakov K.A.
- Kitaev D.N.
- Kizievich O.
- Kizinievich O.
- Kizinievich V.
- Klevakin V.A.
- Klevakina E.V.
- Klimenko V.I.
- Klimin V.N.
- Klimov D.A.
- Klokov V.V.
- Klyuev A.V.
- Klyukin A.A.
- Knyazeva S.A.
- Kobsev V.A.
- Kochanova E.Yu.
- Kochetkov A.V.
- Kochetov E.V.
- Kochkin A.A.
- Kochkin N.A.
- Kochnev V.I.
- Kodysh E.N.
- Kodzoev M.-B.Kh.
- Kogan V.V.
- Kokodeeva N.E.
- Kokosadze A.E.
- Koksharov S.A.
- Kolbasin A.M.
- Kolbina D.S.
- Kolchedantsev L.M.
- Kolchunov V.I.
- Kolchunov Vl.I.
- Koleda E.A.
- Kolesnikova T.N.
- Kolodezhnaya E.V.
- Kologrivova L.B.
- Kolomoitsev N.A.
- Kolomytceva A.I.
- Komarichev A.V.
- Komel'kova M.V.
- Komlev A.Yu.
- Kondrashchenko V.I.
- Konin D.V.
- Konovalova V.S.
- Konstantinov A.P.
- Konstantinova N.I.
- Konyukhov M.A.
- Kopalin D.A.
- Kopanitsa N.O.
- Kopeykin A.V.
- Kopteva O.V.
- Kopylov I.V.
- Kopytina M.Yu.
- Korableva G.A.
- Korepanova V.F.
- Korevitskaya M.G.
- Korkina E.V.
- Korneev A.D.
- Korneeva I.G.
- Kornev M.V.
- Korneva T.P.
- Kornilov A.V.
- Kornilov T.A.
- Kornopol’tsev V.N.
- Kornyanen M.E.
- Kornyushina M.P.
- Korobkova M.V.
- Korochkin A.V.
- Korol O.A.
- Korolchenko A.D.
- Korolev E.V.
- Koroleva E.L.
- Koroleva E.N.
- Korosteleva G.K.
- Korotkih D.N.
- Korotkikh D.N.
- Korotkov E.A.
- Korovnikov A.N.
- Korovyakov V.F.
- Korshunov A.E.
- Korshunov G.I.
- Korshunova A.E.
- Korzanov V.S.
- Kosheev P.A.
- Koshelev V.A.
- Kosheleva L.I.
- Kosinova A.A.
- Kosov Ya.I.
- Kossov D.Yu.
- Kosta A.A.
- Kostin S.V.
- Kotelnikov D.E.
- Kotkov A.A.
- Kotliarov R.A.
- Kotlov V.G.
- Kotlyar A.V.
- Kotlyar V.D.
- Kotlyarsky E.V.
- Kotova I.Yu.
- Koval Yu.N.
- Kovalenko E.V.
- Kovalenko V.V.
- Kovrigin A.G.
- Kovrigin A.V.
- Kovyrshin S.S.
- Kozhukhova M.I.
- Kozhukhova N.I.
- Kozlov A.N.
- Kozlov A.S.
- Kozlov A.V.
- Kozlov G.A.
- Kozlov V.V.
- Kozlov Yu.S.
- Kozlova I.V.
- Kozomazov A.V.
- Kozomazov V.N.
- Kozunova O.V.
- Krakhmal’naya M.P.
- Krakhmal’ny T.A.
- Kramar L.Ya.
- Kramerov D.V.
- Krasheninnikov A.V.
- Krasheninnikova E.S.
- Krasilnikov I.V.
- Krasilnikova I.A.
- Krasinikova N.M.
- Krasitskaya S.G.
- Krasnikova E.V.
- Krasnovskih M.P.
- Krasnovskikh M.P.
- Krasotkina I.A.
- Kravchenko D.I.
- Kravchuk A.P.
- Kraynov D.V.
- Krishan A.L.
- Kriushin M.V.
- Krivenko V.V.
- Krivoborodov Yu.R.
- Krivoshapkina O.V.
- Krivtsov S.I.
- Krohotin V.V.
- Krolevetskiy D.V.
- Krutov A.A.
- Krylov A.A.
- Krylov S.B.
- Kryshov S.I.
- Kudeyarova N.P.
- Kudiakov A.I.
- Kudinov O.V.
- Kudryashov A.Yu.
- Kudyakov A.I.
- Kudyakov K.L.
- Kuksa P.B.
- Kulapin A.V.
- Kuleshin A.S.
- Kulikova А.А.
- Kulinich Yu.I.
- Kulyaev P.V.
- Kuprina A.A.
- Kupriyanov V.N.
- Kupriyashkina L.I.
- Kurbanova I.D.
- Kurbanova R.A.
- Kurbatov V.L.
- Kurilova S.N.
- Kurilyuk I.S.
- Kurmangalieva A.I.
- Kurnosov V.V.
- Kurshpel A.V.
- Kurshpel V.Kh.
- Kurskaya E.A.
- Kurzanov A.D.
- Kustov A.A.
- Kutugin V.A.
- Kuzevanov D.V.
- Kuzhman E.D.
- Kuzmenko D.V.
- Kuzmenko N.V.
- Kuzmenkov A.A.
- Kuzmin E.O.
- Kuzmin V.A.
- Kuzmin V.V.
- Kuzmin V.Yu.
- Kuzmina L.I.
- Kuzmina N.V
- Kuznetcova A.S.
- Kuznetsov D.V.
- Kuznetsov I.P.
- Kuznetsov S.S.
- Kuznetsov V.G.
- Kuznetsov Yu.N.
- Kuznetsova A.Yu.
- Kuznetsova G.N.
- Kuznetsova G.V.
- Kuznetsova I.S.
- Kuznetsova N.V.
- Kuznetsova T.V.
- Kychkin I.R.
- Labaj M.
- Labutin A.N.
- Labuzova M.V.
- Laketich A.
- Laketich N.
- Laketich S.K.
- Lapidus A.A.
- Lapovskaya S.D.
- Lapunova K.A.
- Larin O.A.
- Larionov I.S.
- Larsen O.A.
- Lasman I.A.
- Latypov V.M.
- Latypova T.V.
- Lavrov I.Yu.
- Lazarev A.A.
- Lazarev A.V.
- Lazarev Y.G.
- Lazareva I.V.
- Lazareva Ya.V.
- Le H.T.
- Lebedev M.S.
- Lebedev N.S.
- Lebedev O.V.
- Lebedeva S.N.
- Ledenev V.I.
- Lekanov N.A.
- Lekarev I.N.
- Lekomtsev P.V.
- Leksin V.V.
- Leonovich S.N.
- Leont'ev S.V.
- Leshko M.Yu.
- Lesnichenko E.N.
- Lesnov V.V.
- Lesovik V.S.
- Levickaya K.M.
- Levin E.V.
- Levina Yu.N.
- Levkovsky G.L.
- Liberova G.G.
- Lichman N.V.
- Likhtarovich M.V.
- Linkov N.V.
- Lipenina A.V.
- Lipka P.A.
- Lis O.N.
- Lis S.N.
- Lisejcev Ju.L.
- Lisitsyna A.V.
- Litvinovskiy D.A.
- Liventseva A.A.
- Liyaskin O.V.
- Lkhasaranov S.A.
- Lobanov V.A.
- Lobkov V.A.
- Lobkova T.V.
- Loganina V.I.
- Loginova S.A.
- Loktionova A.A.
- Lomakin A.D.
- Lomakina L.N.
- Lopatina M.V.
- Losev K.Yu.
- Losev Yu.G.
- Lotoshnikova Ye.O.
- Lotov V.A.
- Lugovoy A.N.
- Lukash A.A.
- Lukianitsa S.V.
- Lukin E.G.
- Lukuttsova N.P.
- Lukyanenko N.O.
- Lukyanova N.A.
- Lushin K.I.
- Lutskin E.S.
- Lutsyk E.V.
- Lyapidevskaya O.B.
- Lyapunov A.V.
- Lyashenko D.A.
- Lygina T.Z.
- Lyskova T.E.
- Lyubomirskaya T.V.
- Lyubomirsky N.V.
- Machneva O.P.
- Machortov D.N.
- Macijauskas M.
- Makaeva A.A.
- Makarov A.V.
- Makarov R.A.
- Makarov S.G.
- Makarova T.V.
- Makeev A.I.
- Makonkov A.V.
- Maksimova I.N.
- Makushina Yu.V.
- Mal’cev V.A.
- Mal’tseva K.P.
- Malbiev S.A.
- Malcheva A.V.
- Malichenko V.G.
- Malyanova L.I.
- Malyavina E.G.
- Malygina M.A.
- Malyshkin S.A.
- Malyuk V.D.
- Malyuk V.V.
- Mamin A.N.
- Mammadov H.N.
- Mamulat S.L.
- Man'ko A.V.
- Manzyrykchy H.B.
- Mareeva O.V.
- Markelov A.V.
- Markelova O.A.
- Markov A.Yu.
- Markova I.Yu.
- Marsov V.I.
- Masalitina S.V.
- Masalykin A.N.
- Mashkin A.N.
- Mashkin N.A.
- Maslov A.V.
- Massalimov I.A.
- Mastanzade N.S.
- Matar P.Y.
- Matiushin E.V.
- Matkin A.A.
- Matorin A.A.
- Matrokhin A.Yu.
- Matseevich A.V.
- Matseevich T.A.
- Matveev V.A.
- Matveeva L.Yu.
- Matveeva O.A.
- Matveeva O.I.
- Maysuradze N.V.
- Mazikova T.A.
- Mazunin S.A.
- Medvedev A.A.
- Medvedev D.V.
- Medvedeva E.N.
- Melikhov V.I.
- Melnikova I.V.
- Menshikona V.K.
- Menzhulin M.G.
- Merkulov A.A.
- Merkulov S.A.
- Mervat Khalil
- Mesfer M. Al-Zakhrani
- Meshcheryakov Yu.G.
- Meshkov V.Z.
- Meskhi B.Ch.
- Metelitsa T.V.
- Metlitskaya D.V.
- Meyrkhanov T.B.
- Mezhidov D.A.
- Miftahova D.I.
- Mihaylik E.D.
- Mikalutsky A.E.
- Mikhailov V.A.
- Mikhailov Yu.O.
- Mikhailova A.V.
- Mikhailova O.Yu.
- Mikheyev D.V.
- Minaeva A.M.
- Mironiuk E.Yu.
- Mirsayapov I.T.
- Mishin A.G.
- Mishin M.P.
- Mitina N.A.
- Mitrofanova N.V.
- Mitrofanova S.A.
- Miusov S.P.
- Mizonov V.E.
- Mizyuryaev S.A.
- Moceikis R.
- Mognonov D.M.
- Mohamed Ali Elsaed
- Moiseenko G.A.
- Moiseenko K.S.
- Mokeev M.A.
- Mokrushin I.G.
- Molchanova Ya.P.
- Molodin V.V.
- Monastyrev A.V.
- Monastyrev P.V.
- Mongush D.S.
- Mordovtseva M.V.
- Mordvov A.A.
- Moreva Y.A.
- Morgun L.V.
- Morgun V.N.
- Moroz M.N.
- Morozov I.V.
- Morozov N.M.
- Morozov V.I.
- Morozov V.P.
- Morozova M.V.
- Morozova N.N.
- Morozova S.V.
- Morsy A.
- Moshka I.N.
- Moskina I.V.
- Motorny N.I.
- Motorykin D.A.
- Mraev A.V.
- Muhametzyanov R.R.
- Muhammad K. Rahman
- Muharlyamova A.R.
- Mukhamediev T.A.
- Mukhametova E.T.
- Mukhametrakhimov R.Kh.
- Mukhin M.A.
- Murali G.
- Murashov A.O.
- Murtazaev S.-A.Yu.
- Murtazaeva T. S.-A.
- Musharapova S.I.
- Mustafin R.R.
- Mustafina A.R.
- Nada M El Araby
- Nagaev I.F.
- Nagumanova A.S.
- Najafova E.A.
- Nakhaev M.R.
- Narmaniya B.E.
- Naumov A.A.
- Naymark D.V.
- Nazarova K.Kh.
- Nebezhko N.I.
- Nebezhko Yu.I.
- Nedoseko I.V.
- Nefedev A.P.
- Nefedov S.V.
- Neganova U.A.
- Nekrasov A.B.
- Nekrasov R.A.
- Nekrasova S.A.
- Nekrasova Yu.I.
- Nelubova V.V.
- Nerovnaya S.V.
- Neschadimov V.A.
- Nesterov A.N.
- Nesterov A.V.
- Nesterova K.O.
- Nesvetaev G.V.
- Netsvet D.D.
- Nevelsky D.O.
- Nevelsky O.V.
- Neverov V.A.
- Nevsky A.V.
- Nevzorov A.L.
- Neyman S.M.
- Nguyen Ba Binh
- Nguyen D.T.L.
- Nguyen Duc Vinh Quang
- Nguyen T.C.
- Nichinsky A.N.
- Nikishov E.I.
- Nikitina S.V.
- Nikolaenko A.N.
- Nikolaenko E.Yu.
- Nikolaenko V.V.
- Nikolaev A.G.
- Nikolaev M.E.
- Nikolaev S.V.
- Nikolaev V.N.
- Nikulin A.I.
- Nikulin I.S.
- Nipruk O.V.
- Nizamov R.K.
- Nizamutdinova E.R.
- Nizhegorodov A.I.
- Nizin D.R.
- Nizina T.A.
- Nizovskikh A.P.
- Norenkov S.V.
- Nosov I.S.
- Nosov S.V.
- Nosulya A.A.
- Novakov A.D.
- Novichenkova T.B.
- Novikov M.V.
- Novikov N.V.
- Novikova U.A.
- Novikova V.I.
- Nugumanov D.R.
- Nurlybaev R.E.
- Nurtdinov M.R.
- Obraztsov I.V.
- Obydennaya A.A.
- Ochirov O.S.
- Ogloblina E.V.
- Ogurtsova Y.N.
- Okhotnaya A.S.
- Okunev A.Y.
- Ol’khovikov V.M.
- Oleynik A.Y.
- Olfati R.S.
- Omar M. Mahdi
- Orban Z.
- Orelskaya O.V.
- Oreshkin D.V.
- Orlov A.A.
- Orlov A.D.
- Orlov V.S.
- Orlova M.E.
- Orlovich R.B.
- Oruzbaeva G.T.
- Osadchiy E.G.
- Osadchiy Yu.P.
- Osetrov A.V.
- Osipov S.P.
- Osipov Yu.V.
- Oskorbin A.A.
- Osmanov A.B.
- Ostrouh A.V.
- Othman Azmi S.A.
- Ovdun D.A.
- Ovsepyan A.E.
- Ovsyannikov K.S.
- Ovsyannikov S.N.
- Ovsyannikov Yu.N.
- Pachin A.R.
- Pahotin N.E.
- Pak A.A.
- Paleev P.L.
- Palshina Y.V.
- Panarin I.I.
- Panchenko A.I.
- Panchenko D.A.
- Panchenko Yu.F.
- Panikin D.A.
- Pankov V.Yu.
- Panteleev D.A.
- Parfenov A.A.
- Parfenova A.A.
- Partyshev M.Yu.
- Paruta V.A.
- Pas’ko A.S.
- Pashkevich S.A.
- Pastori Z.
- Pastushkov P.P.
- Pasynkov M.V.
- Patugin A.S.
- Pausk V.V.
- Pavlenko D.V.
- Pavlenko N.V.
- Pavlikova S.M.
- Pavlov F.L.
- Pavlyukova I.R.
- Pchelnikov A.V.
- Pechenkina T.V.
- Pecheny B.G.
- Peep Pihelo
- Peretokin A.V.
- Perevalov V.A.
- Perfilov V.A.
- Permenev D.A.
- Permyakov E.N.
- Pershin Z.A.
- Pervushin G.N.
- Pestereva K.D.
- Pestritskiy A.V.
- Petelin A.D.
- Petropavlovskaya V.В.
- Petropavlovskii K.S.
- Petrov A.G.
- Petrov A.S.
- Petrova I.V.
- Petrova T.M.
- Petrova Z.K.
- Petrovskaya A.A.
- Pham Duc Luong
- Pichugin A.P.
- Pileckij M.E.
- Pilipenko A.S.
- Pimenov A.I.
- Pimenov S.I.
- Piminova K.S.
- Pinsker V.A.
- Pinus B.I.
- Pirieva S.Yu.
- Pishchulina V.V.
- Platkovskiy P.O.
- Platov Yu.T.
- Platova R.A.
- Plekhanova T.A.
- Pleshko M.S.
- Pleshko M.V.
- Plevkov V.S.
- Plotnikov N.A.
- Plyushchenko N.Yu.
- Podgorniy I.I.
- Podgornyi D.S.
- Poedintsev E.A.
- Pogromsky A.S.
- Poleonova Yu.Yu.
- Poleyko N.L.
- Politaeva A.I.
- Polonina E.N.
- Poluchkin A.L.
- Polumiev E.V.
- Polyanskikh I.S.
- Ponarin G.A.
- Ponomarev A.N.
- Ponomarev O.I.
- Popov A.A.
- Popov A.L.
- Popov A.N.
- Popov D.Ju.
- Popov I.I.
- Popov V.A.
- Popov V.P.
- Popov Yu.V.
- Popov М.S.
- Popova M.A.
- Porozchenko M.A.
- Portnov A.O.
- Posadnova N.E.
- Postnikova O.A.
- Potamoshneva N.D.
- Potapov D.Yu.
- Potapov V.V.
- Potapov Yu.B.
- Potapova E.N.
- Potapova L.I.
- Potorochina S.A.
- Potravny I.M.
- Poudel R.S.
- Povarova О.A.
- Pozdniakov D.A.
- Pozhilov M.A.
- Pozhivina К.А.
- Prishchepa I.A.
- Proshlyakov A.N.
- Prykin B.V.
- Pshennikova V.V.
- Puchka O.V.
- Pudov I.A.
- Pudovkin A.N.
- Pukharenko Yu.V.
- Punenkov S.E.
- Pursheva A.V.
- Pustovgar A.P.
- Puzakov P.V.
- Pykin A.A.
- Qais H.A.
- Radyukevich P.I.
- Raev A.S.
- Rakhimbaev I.Sh.
- Rakhimbaev Sh.M.
- Rakhimov R.Z.
- Rakhimova N.R.
- Rakhmanov V.A.
- Rakov M.A.
- Ramazanov T.A.
- Rassulov V.A.
- Rasulov H.I.
- Rautkin A.V.
- Razov I.O.
- Razzokov S.Z.
- Rebrov S.S.
- Revenok T.V.
- Rezvova V.P.
- Riazanov A.A.
- Riazanov A.N.
- Riazanova V.A.
- Rimshin V.I.
- Rivonenko Ya.A.
- Rodin A.I.
- Rogalev A.M.
- Romanov A.V.
- Romanova E.Yu.
- Romanyuk D.S.
- Rotar’ D.V.
- Royfe V.S.
- Rozental N.K.
- Rozina V.E.
- Rozovskaya T.A.
- Rublev A.M.
- Rubtsov O.I.
- Rudak S.V.
- Rudakov E.O.
- Rudakov O.B.
- Rudakov Ya.O.
- Rudensky A.V.
- Ruello M.L.
- Rukavitsyn A.V.
- Rumayantsev I.M.
- Rumyantsev D.V.
- Rumyantsev E.V.
- Rumyantseva A.V.
- Rumyantseva V.E.
- Rusina V.V.
- Rusinova Ya.M.
- Rustamli T.M.
- Ruzina N.C.
- Ryabchenkova V.G.
- Ryabokon L.I.
- Ryazanov A.N.
- Ryazantsev D.G.
- Rybina I.А.
- Rygaev D.V.
- Rykunova M.D.
- Ryltsova I.G.
- Ryzhkov А.V.
- Saber M.
- Sadenko S.M.
- Sadovskaya E.A.
- Saduakasov M.S.
- Sadykov R.K.
- Sadykov S.O.
- Saenko Je.G.
- Safarov K.B.
- Safina G.L.
- Safonov P.V.
- Sagadeev E.V.
- Sagaidak A.I.
- Sagdeev R.R.
- Saidova Z.S.
- Saidumov M.S.
- Sakhibgareev R.R.
- Sakhibgareev Rom.R.
- Salahov A.M.
- Salakhov A.M.
- Salamanova M.Sh.
- Salihov M.G.
- Salov A.S.
- Samchenko S.V.
- Sami Al-Gamdi
- Samir Faraun
- Sammasov R.F.
- Samohodova S.Ju.
- Sanyagina Ya.A.
- Sapacheva L.V.
- Sapel’nikov S.N.
- Sapelkina T.V.
- Sapronov D.V.
- Saprykin R.Yu.
- Saprykin V.I.
- Saraykina K.A.
- Sarkisov D.A.
- Sarkisov Yu.S.
- Sat D.H.
- Satvaldinov K.Zh.
- Savchenkova G.A.
- Savel’eva M.A.
- Savenko V.P.
- Savin A.V.
- Savin V.A.
- Savin V.K.
- Savrasov I.P.
- Savvinov L.S.
- Sayed Hemeda
- Sayed Shebl
- Sazhnev N.P.
- Sazonova Yu.V.
- Scryabin A.P.
- Sdvizhkov М.А.
- Sebelev I.M.
- Seleem S.E. Ahmad
- Seleznev A.D.
- Selyaev P.V.
- Selyaev V.P.
- Selyutin N.M.
- Semenov A.A.
- Semenov A.N.
- Semenov M.A.
- Semenov V.S.
- Semenova M.N.
- Semenova S.N.
- Semenova Yu.A.
- Semenovykh M.A.
- Semeynykh N.S.
- Semichev S.M.
- Semochkin Yu.A.
- Semyonov A.A.
- Semyonova S.N.
- Senkov S.A.
- Serdyuk A.I.
- Serebryanaya I.A.
- Seren Sh.V.
- Serenkov I.V.
- Sergeev B.A.
- Sergeev S.V.
- Sergeyev A.A.
- Serikov S.V.
- Shadrinov N.V.
- Shadrunova I.V.
- Shaevich G.Ja.
- Shaevich G.Ya.
- Shagigalin G.Yu.
- Shahova L.D.
- Shaibadullina A.V.
- Shakhov S.A.
- Shakirov A.R.
- Shalaev A.P.
- Shalimov V.N.
- Shalyi E.E.
- Shamanov V.A.
- Shameeva E.V.
- Shangina N.N.
- Shapovalov D.L.
- Shapovalov N.A.
- Sharafutdinov K.B.
- Sharipov R.Sh.
- Sharonova O.M.
- Shashkov I.G.
- Shashunkina O.V.
- Shatalov A.A.
- Shatalova S.V.
- Shatsillo V.V.
- Shayakhmetov U.Sh.
- Shchankin M.V.
- Shchedrin Yu.N.
- Shchegoleva N.V.
- Shchelokova Е.А.
- Shcherbakov A.A.
- Shchetinin D.A.
- Shchikaltsova V.I.
- Shchirzhetskii Kh.A.
- Shchukin G.L.
- Shchukina T.V.
- Shebeko A.Yu.
- Sheina S.G.
- Sheinfeld A.V.
- Shekhovtsov A.S.
- Shekhovtsov V.V.
- Shembakov V.A.
- Sherif A.
- Sherstobitov Yu.M.
- Shestakov N.I.
- Shestakova Yu.A.
- Shesterkin M.E.
- Shevchenko F.E.
- Shevchenko V.V.
- Shigapov R.I.
- Shinkarev A.A.
- Shinkevich E.S.
- Shirinzade I.N.
- Shlegel I.F.
- Shmarov I.A.
- Shmelev S.E.
- Shmit’ko E.I.
- Shnejderov G.R.
- Shoeb Ahmed
- Shoeva T.E.
- Shoshin E.A.
- Shouchao Jiang
- Shoukry H.
- Shoybekov B.M.
- Shreiber A.K.
- Shreyber A.K.
- Shtefan Yu.V.
- Shtin A.A.
- Shubin I.L.
- Shuhaib K.F.A.
- Shul’ga S.S.
- Shuldyakov K.V.
- Shulepov S.K.
- Shuloyakov A.D.
- Shurygina Yu.N.
- Shvachev D.P.
- Shvedova M.A.
- Shvetsova V.A.
- Shypko S.D.
- Sidelnikov R.V.
- Sidorina A.V.
- Sidorov A.G.
- Sidorov N.S.
- Sidorova A.S.
- Simakov G.N.
- Simbaev V.V.
- Simchuk E.N.
- Simonov P.A.
- Sinayskiy A.G.
- Sinitsin A.V.
- Sinitsin D.A.
- Sinitsina E.A.
- Sinitsyn N.N.
- Sinjаnskij V.I.
- Sirina T.P.
- Sirotin O.V.
- Sivakova O.A.
- Sivalneva M.N.
- Skamnitskaya L.S.
- Skolubovich Yu.L.
- Skripchenko D.S.
- Skripkiunas G.
- Skripnikova N.K.
- Skrynnikova A.V.
- Skvortsov T.N.
- Slavcheva G.S.
- Sleptsov V.V.
- Slizneva T.E.
- Smagulova S.A.
- Smirnov A.Yu.
- Smirnov N.V.
- Smirnov S.I.
- Smirnov V.A.
- Smirnova A.S.
- Smirnova G.M.
- Smirnova O.E.
- Smirnova O.M.
- Smirnyagina N.N.
- Smolyakov M.Yu
- Sobol Yu.B.
- Sobolev K.G.
- Sobolev L.V.
- Soboleva G.N.
- Sodomon M.
- Sokolov A.M.
- Sokolov A.N.
- Sokolov B.S.
- Sokolov N.S.
- Sokolov S.N.
- Sokolov V.G.
- Sokolova A.G.
- Sokolova S.E.
- Sokolova S.V.
- Sokolova Yu.V.
- Sokov V.N.
- Solomatin E.O.
- Solonina V.A.
- Solov’ev V.G.
- Solovev S.A.
- Soloveva A.A.
- Soloveva O.N.
- Soloviev V.G.
- Solovyev V.G.
- Sorochaikin A.N.
- Sorokin А.N.
- Sorokina E.A.
- Sosedov K.E.
- Sova N.S.
- Spiridonova I.V.
- Spirin I.P.
- Spodeneyko A.A.
- Stafeeva Z.V.
- Starostin A.V.
- Staroverov V.D.
- Starovoitova I.A.
- Stavtseva A.V.
- Stel’makh S.A.
- Stenechkina K.S.
- Stepanenko M.A.
- Stepanova A.
- Stepanova V.F.
- Stepina I.V.
- Stevens A.E.
- Stibunov D.V.
- Stojkovich N.
- Stolboushkin A.Yu.
- Stolyarov M.D.
- Stolyarov V.V.
- Storodubtseva T.N.
- Storozhenko G.I.
- Stroganov V.F.
- Strokin K.B.
- Strokova V.V.
- Strugovec M.I.
- Stupakova O.G.
- Stupen N.S.
- Sturova V.A.
- Subbotin S.L.
- Suchkov V.P.
- Suhanov Yu.V.
- Sukhorukikh A.S.
- Sukhorukova R.N.
- Sukhushina A.V.
- Suleimanov A.M.
- Suleimanova I.H.
- Sulima-Grudzinsky A.V.
- Sumin A.V.
- Sundukov V.I.
- Surovtsov M.M.
- Susanina T.V.
- Susoeva I.V.
- Suzdaltsev O.V.
- Sverdlov А.А.
- Svetov S.A.
- Svezhinsky V.N.
- Svintsov A.P.
- Sviridov D.V.
- Syachinova N.V.
- Sychugov S.V.
- Syromyasov V.A.
- Tagirov L.R.
- Taha S.
- Tahirov B.M.
- Taibakhtina P.A.
- Taichinov D.R.
- Talalay V.V.
- Talipov L.N.
- Talpa B.V.
- Tang Van Lam
- Tarakanov O.V.
- Tarakanov S.A.
- Tarek A.
- Targo Kalamees
- Tatarintseva O.S.
- Tcvetkov D.E
- Tembulatov S.I.
- Ter-Zakaryan K.A.
- Terekhina Yu.V.
- Terekhov I.G.
- Tereshchenko I.M.
- Teshev I.D.
- Tesovsky A.A.
- Tihomirov A.L.
- Tihomirov S.A.
- Tihonova V.R.
- Tikhomirov A.M.
- Tikhomirov L.A.
- Tikhomirova I.N.
- Tikhonov G.I.
- Tikhonov I.N.
- Tikhonova I.O.
- Tilinin Yu.I.
- Timofeev A.A.
- Titova I.I.
- Titova L.A.
- Titunin A.A.
- Tkach E.V.
- Tkachenko D.I.
- Tkacheva I.A.
- Tkacheva T.A.
- Tokaeva O.N.
- Tokarev Yu.V.
- Tokareva S.A.
- Tokmadzheshvili G.G.
- Tolmachev A.V.
- Tolmachev S.N.
- Tolmacheva N.A.
- Tolstoy A.D.
- Tolypina N.M.
- Tomilin O.B.
- Tonevitskii Yu.V.
- Tonkikh G.P.
- Topchubaev U.
- Topchy D.V.
- Toropova M.V.
- Tozik V.М.
- Travush V.I.
- Trekin N.N.
- Trishchenko I.V.
- Trofimenko Yu.A.
- Trofimov B.Ya.
- Trofimov А.V.
- Trofimova D.A.
- Troshkina E.A.
- Troshkova V.V.
- Trubkin I.S.
- Truntov P.S.
- Tsekar D.A.
- Tseshkovskaya E.Yu.
- Tsukernikov I.E.
- Tsvetkov V.E.
- Tsyba O.O.
- Tsydypova A.Ts.
- Tsyryateva A.V.
- Tujsina G.R.
- Tulyaganov A.K.
- Turganbaev B.B.
- Turobova M.A.
- Turov M.G.
- Tursunbaeva K.O.
- Turygin Yu.V.
- Tusnin A.R.
- Tutygin A.S.
- Tyakina A.M.
- Tyukavkina V.V.
- Tyulenev M.D.
- Tyurnikov V.V.
- Tyuryakhina T.P.
- Ugryumov S.A.
- Ukraintseva V.M.
- Umarov T.Yu.
- Umnova E.V.
- Umnyakova N.P.
- Uporova M.G.
- Urkhanova A.A.
- Urkhanova L.A.
- Uryadov M.I.
- Usachev I.N.
- Usachev А.М.
- Usepyan I.M.
- Ushakov A.Yu.
- Ushakov I.I.
- Ushakova A.S.
- Usherov-Marshak A.V.
- Usikov S.A.
- Usmanov N.N.
- Ustinov A.G.
- Ustinov I.D.
- Utarbaev R.M.
- Uvarov P.P.
- Uzhakhov K.M.
- Vadivasov D.M.
- Vagizov F.G.
- Vainshtein V.M.
- Vaisera S.S.
- Vaisman Ya.I.
- Vaitkus S.I.
- Vakalova T.V.
- Vakhnina T.N.
- Vald A.A.
- Valiev A.I.
- Valiev Sh.N.
- Valieva D.M.
- Valimuhametova A.R.
- Valimukhametova A.R.
- Valiyev Sh.N.
- Varekha Zh.P.
- Vargasov A.V.
- Varlamov A.A.
- Vartanyan M.A.
- Vashchenko D.V.
- Vasil’ev Yu.E.
- Vasilchenko Yu.M.
- Vasiliev N.G.
- Vasiliev S.V.
- Vasiliev Yu.E.
- Vasilieva D.I.
- Vasilieva M.R.
- Vasilik P.G.
- Vasilyev A.S.
- Vasyakin A.M.
- Vasyunina S.V.
- Vasyutkin E.S.
- Vavreniuk S.V.
- Vavreniuk V.G.
- Vaysberg L.A.
- Vaysman Ya.I.
- Vdovin A.A.
- Vdovin K.M.
- Vdovin M.I.
- Vedyakov I.I.
- Velichko E.G.
- Vereshchagin P.V.
- Vereshchagin V.I.
- Vereshhagin V.I.
- Verlina N.A.
- Vernigorova V.N.
- Veyukov E.V.
- Viktorov V.V.
- Viktorova S.S.
- Vinnichenko V.I.
- Vinogradov S.A.
- Vinokurov A.T.
- Vishnevskij A.A.
- Vishnevskiy A.A.
- Vishnevsky A.A.
- Vishnyakov N.S.
- Visnap A.V.
- Vitargova R.S.
- Vitsenko N.Yu.
- Vladimirtsev E.M.
- Vlasov D.Yu.
- Vlasov V.A.
- Vo Dinh Trong
- Voeyko O.A.
- Voiloshnikov O.V.
- Volkov M.A.
- Volkov V.V.
- Volkov Yu.S.
- Volkova N.G.
- Volkova О.V.
- Volodchenko A.A.
- Volodchenko A.N.
- Volokitin O.G.
- Vorobev P.Yu.
- Vorobiev D.A.
- Voronin K.M.
- Voronov V.A.
- Voronov V.V.
- Vostrov M.S.
- Votrin D.A.
- Voyloshnikov O.V.
- Voytovich E.V.
- Voytovich V.A.
- Vozmischev V.N.
- Vtorov B.B.
- Vylegzhanin V.P.
- Wail N. Al-Rifaie
- Waleed K. Ahmed
- Wang C.
- Wei Tian
- Xiao Huigang
- Yagubov M.G.
- Yagund E.M.
- Yakimov V.M.
- Yakovlev A.P.
- Yakovlev D.A.
- Yakovlev E.A.
- Yakovlev G.I.
- Yanchenko V.S.
- Yankovsky L.V.
- Yanutina S.E.
- Yarmakovsky V.N.
- Yarmolenko V.A.
- Yartsev V.P.
- Yarullin R.R.
- Yashchenko R.A.
- Yatsenko A.I.
- Yatsenko N.D.
- Yavruyan Kh.S.
- Yelsufyeva M.S.
- Yudin I.V.
- Yudovich B.E.
- Yumashev V.V.
- Yumasheva E.I.
- Yun A.Ya.
- Yunkevich A.V.
- Yurgaytis A.Y.
- Yurin E.Yu
- Yurov P.Y.
- Yusupov I.D.
- Yuzmuhametov A.M.
- Zadirakа A.A.
- Zadvornov V.Yu.
- Zaeva A.G.
- Zagorodnyuk L.Kh.
- Zahraa Fakhri Jawad
- Zaitseva L.R.
- Zakharov A.I.
- Zakharov A.V.
- Zamyshlyaeva L.V.
- Zavad’ko M. Yu.
- Zavialova D.V.
- Zavyalov M.A.
- Zaytseva A.A.
- Zaytseva E.I.
- Zaytseva K.V.
- Zeid Kilani L.Z.
- Zekin A.A.
- Zelenshchikov I.B.
- Zelig M.P.
- Zelinskaya E.V.
- Zemskova O.V.
- Zenin S.A.
- Zhamsaranova S.D.
- Zhao P.
- Zharikov V.A.
- Zharova I.K.
- Zhavoronkov M.I.
- Zhdanok S.A.
- Zhdanova T.V.
- Zhegera K.V.
- Zheglova Y.G.
- Zheldakov D.Yu
- Zheleznyak M.N.
- Zheltoukhov A.V.
- Zhengmao Ye
- Zhenzhurist I.A.
- Zherebtsov A.V.
- Zhernovskaya I.V.
- Zhernovsky I.V.
- Zhidkov V.K.
- Zhigulina A.Yu.
- Zhikh B.P.
- Zhirkov A.F.
- Zhirkova E.O.
- Zhivotkov O.I.
- Zhivotov D.A.
- Zhogoleva O.A.
- Zhuk P.M.
- Zhukov A.D.
- Zhukov A.N.
- Zhukov D.D.
- Zhukova N.S.
- Zhuravlev E.A.
- Zhurkovsky M.E.
- Zigangaraeva S.R.
- Ziganshina L.V.
- Zimakov K.I.
- Zimakova G.A.
- Zimin S.S.
- Zin Min Htet
- Zinnatullin A.L.
- Zinov’eva E.A.
- Zmanovskiy S.V.
- Zolotukhina N.V.
- Zorin A.N.
- Zotkina M.M.
- Zuban A.V.
- Zubarev K.P.
- Zubkov A.F.
- Zuev V.I.
- Zvezdin A.V.
- Zvezdov A.I.
- Zvezdov A.N.
- Zykova E.S.
- Zyukin D.G.
- market analysis
- “brick style”
- “white bath”
- 3D-build printing
- 3DCP
- abrasion
- accelerated laboratory testing
- accelerated testing
- accelerator
- accelerators
- acoustic emission
- activated system
- activation
- activation energy
- activator of hardening
- activators
- active additives
- active mineral additive
- active mineral additives
- activity
- additive
- additive technologies
- additive-electrolytes
- additives
- adhesion
- adhesion of hard phase particles
- adhesion strength
- adhesive strength
- admixtures
- adobe
- adobe brick
- adsorbed layer thickness
- adsorption
- aerated concrete
- aesthetic characteristics
- aesthetics
- age
- aggregate
- aggregates
- aggressive environment
- aggressive medium
- aging and destruction
- aging at high temperature
- aging coefficient
- aging intensity
- air entrainment
- air noise isolation
- air permeability
- air quality
- aleurolite
- alkaline
- alkaline activation
- alkaline and sulfate corrosion
- alkaline corrosion
- alkaline solution
- alternative types of pavements
- aluminosilicate
- aluminosilicate loams
- aluminosilicate raw materials
- aluminous slag
- aluminum nitrate
- aluminum powder
- alumo-silicate
- ammonium sulfate
- amorphous new growths
- amorphous silica
- amorphous silicon dioxide
- analysis of market
- analysis of variance
- analytical optimization
- anatase
- anatase form of titanium dioxide
- anchorages
- anchors
- angle of shear deformations
- anhydrite
- anhydrite binder
- anthropogenic modifiers
- anthropogenic products
- anthropogenic raw material
- anthropogenic raw materials
- anthropogenic waste
- anti-bacterial properties
- antiseptic properties
- application
- arbolite
- arches and lintels
- architectural acoustics
- architecture
- architecture of high-rise buildings
- areas of application
- argillite
- argillite-like clays
- argillites
- argillous raw material
- artificial aging
- artificial gypsum stone
- artificial marble
- asbestos
- asbestos-cement
- ash
- ash and slag waste
- ash-slag wastes
- aspen
- asphalt concrete
- asphalt granulate
- aspiration dust
- asymmetry coefficient
- asymptotics
- atomic force microscopy
- attic
- attic flooring
- auto-roads
- autoclave
- autoclave aerated concrete
- autoclave cellular concrete
- autoclave curing
- autoclave silicate materials
- autoclave treatment
- autoclave-hardened cellular concrete blocks
- autoclaved aerated concrete
- autoclaved concrete
- autoclaved gas concrete
- autoclaved strength
- autoclaving
- automated systems of control over technological process
- automation
- automobile road
- average density
- averaging of composition
- bacteria
- bacterial culture
- bactericidal surface treatment of materials
- basalt
- basalt fiber
- basalt fiber concrete
- basalt fibers
- basaltfiberconcrete
- base
- batch
- bearing capacity
- bearing capacity reserves
- bendable elements
- bending
- bending strength
- bending strength of brick
- berth structure
- best accessible technologies
- best available techniques
- best available technologies
- BIM-technologies
- binder
- binders
- binding agents
- binding systems
- bio-mineralization
- bio-stability
- biocidal materials
- biocorrosion
- biocorrosion of concrete
- biodegradation
- biological corrosion
- biological resistance
- biomineralization
- biotesting
- bismuth oxide
- bitumen
- bitumen content
- bitumen modification
- bitumen-mineral composition
- bitumen-polymer binders
- bitumen-rubberbinder
- bituminous suspension
- blast furnace
- blast furnace granulated slag
- blast furnace slurry
- bleeding of cement
- block vibration exciter
- bored pile
- bored piles
- bored-injection pile EDT
- bored-injection piles-ERT
- bound section
- braking distance of car
- brick
- brick design
- brick dust
- brick facing
- brick masonry
- brick production
- brickwork
- bridge structure
- bridgework
- brucite
- building
- building ceramic
- building ceramics
- building composites
- building materials
- building materials industry
- building materials science
- building structure
- buildings
- bulk modulus
- bunker feeder
- burning
- burning temperature
- butt joint strength
- by-product materials
- caking
- calcinated soda
- calcination
- calcite
- calcium carbonate
- calcium chloride
- calcium hydrosilicates
- calcium hydroxide
- calcium hydroxide concentration
- calcium nitrate
- calcium silicate hydrate
- calculation
- calculation error
- calculation method by the level of reliability
- calculation methods
- calculation of bearing capacity
- calculation of crack resistance
- calculation of greenhouse gas emissions
- calculation of thermal stress state
- calibration dependence
- capillary-condensed component
- capsule
- carbon black
- carbon dioxide
- carbon enrichment waste
- carbon footprint
- carbon intensity
- carbon nano-tubes
- carbon nanomaterial
- carbon nanomaterials
- carbon nanotubes
- carbonate-containing drilling waste
- carbonate-containing mineral product of drilling waste
- carbonation
- carbonic calcium gypsum
- carbonization
- catalyst
- caustic soda
- cellular ceramics with a matrix structure
- cellular concrete
- cellular concrete blocks
- cellular concretes
- cellular glass
- cellular structure
- cellularconcrete blocks
- cellulose
- cement
- cement activation
- cement binder
- cement block
- cement clinker
- cement composite
- cement composite materials
- cement composites
- cement compositions
- cement concrete
- cement exothermy
- cement hydration
- cement matrix
- cement mortar
- cement paste
- cement savings
- cement stone
- cement stone structure
- cement-backfill composition
- cement-mineral pastes
- cement-sand stone
- cement-sand tiles
- cementing solution
- cementless binder
- centrifugal impact grinding
- centrifugal impact mill
- ceramic
- ceramic block
- ceramic brick
- ceramic bricks
- ceramic building materials
- ceramic fiber
- ceramic manufacturing industry
- ceramic matrix composite
- ceramic matrix composites
- ceramic pigments
- ceramic porous filler
- ceramic products
- ceramic stone
- ceramic wall materials
- ceramics
- chalk
- chamber kilns
- characteristics of material
- charge
- chemical composition
- chemical corrosion
- chemical expansion
- chemical resistance
- chemical shrinkage
- chloride aggression
- chloride ion
- chlorides
- chrysotile
- chrysotile cement
- chrysotile cement pipes
- chrysotile fiber
- chrysotile fibers
- chrysotile nanofibers
- circular economy
- citrogypsum
- classification
- clay
- clay minerals
- clay raw materials
- clay rocks
- clays
- clean rooms
- climate declaration
- climatic changes
- clinker
- clinker brick
- clinker ceramics
- clinker dust
- clinker tiles
- clinkerless binders
- coagulation
- coal
- coal briquettes
- coal mines
- coal sludge
- coal-dust fuel
- coarse aggregate
- coefficient of crack-resistance
- coefficient of strength of material
- cohesion energy
- cohesive energy
- cold asphalt-concrete mixes
- colloidal additives
- colloidal stability
- colloids
- colmatation
- colmatation of pores
- color
- color coordinates
- color formation model
- color model
- color-forming oxides and metal salts
- columns
- comfort
- comfortable environment
- commodity lime
- compactor
- comparative durability
- comparison
- compatibility
- competency
- competitiveness
- complex additive
- complex additives
- complex engineering-geological conditions
- complex environment permits
- complex environmental permit
- complex of technical assessment of composite flexible ties
- composite
- composite binder
- composite binders
- composite cement
- composite flexible ties
- composite gypsum binder
- composite gypsum binders
- composite material
- composite material width
- composite materials
- composite mesh
- composite non-clinker mineral binders
- composites
- composition
- composition gypsum concretes
- composition optimization
- compositions
- compressed pipe-concrete element
- compression
- compression molding
- compression moulding
- compression strength
- compressive moduli
- compressive strength
- computer mathematical simulation
- concentration
- concentrations
- concrete
- concrete and mortar unit
- concrete canvas
- concrete core
- concrete corrosion
- concrete creep
- concrete deformation
- concrete hydrophobization
- concrete mix
- concrete mix supply
- concrete mixes
- concrete mixture
- concrete modifiers of Embelit type
- concrete pipeline
- concrete properties
- concrete protection
- concrete pump
- concrete scrap
- concrete strength
- concrete structure
- concrete structures
- concrete waste
- concrete with low heat rise
- concrete-filled steel tubular column
- concretes
- concretes of enclosing structures
- concretes of new generation
- conditionally efficient and efficient ceramic materials
- conditions of storage
- conductive concrete
- conductivity
- cone inertial crusher
- confirmation of compliance
- conglomerate building composites
- conservation
- constant noise
- constrained geotechnical conditions
- construction
- construction 3D printing
- construction and technological utilization
- construction ceramic materials
- construction control
- construction industry
- construction materials
- construction systems
- construction technology
- construction waste
- contact wetting angle
- continuous feed-through screw technology SFA (NPSh)
- convection
- converter slags
- cooling rate
- copper colloidal solution
- correlation analysis
- correlation coefficient
- corrosion
- corrosion activity of chlorides
- corrosion current density
- corrosion of steel reinforcement
- cotton
- coupling qualities
- crack resistance
- cracks
- creep
- creeping
- crevice corrosion
- cristobalite
- critical compressive stress
- critical value
- cross-section shape
- crushed foam glass
- crushed gravel
- crushed stone
- crushed stone piles
- crushing
- crushing and screening complex
- crystallization
- crystallization center
- cubiform crushed stone
- cullet
- curing of concrete
- cyclic durability
- cyclic loading
- cyclic strength
- cycloaliphatic epoxy resin
- decarbonization
- decking boards
- decorative and performance properties
- decorative ceramic brick
- decorative paper-laminated plastic
- decorative wall materials
- decorativeness
- deep bed filtration
- defects
- deformability
- deformation
- deformation diagrams
- deformation joint
- deformation properties
- deformations
- degradation
- degree of hydration
- degree of modification
- degree of recrystallization
- delamination
- density
- density and permeability of the concrete structure
- depassivation
- depassivation of steel reinforcement
- deposits
- design
- design and synthesis of structures
- design of composition
- design of high-rise buildings
- desorption
- destruction
- destruction mechanisms
- diabase
- diabase flour
- diagnostics
- diagram method
- diatomite
- dielectric characteristics
- dielectric properties
- dielkometric method
- differential thermal analysis
- diffusion
- diffusion reflection spectra
- dimensional particle retention mechanism
- dioctilphthalate
- diopside
- discrete material
- disintegration
- disintegrator unit
- disperse materials
- disperse reinforcement
- disperse system
- disperse systems
- disperse-reinforced concrete
- dispersed additives
- dispersed bitumen
- dispersed reinforcement
- dispersion
- dispersion analysis
- dispersity
- distribution boom
- distribution density
- distribution histogram
- distribution of fiber in the cement matrix
- don Armenians
- doping
- dowel
- drainage concrete
- drill cuttings
- drilling cuttings
- drilling slurry
- dry building mixes
- dry building mixtures
- dry mix
- dry mixes
- dry mixes mixer
- dry mixing
- dry mixture
- dry mixtures
- drying
- ductility
- dune sands
- durability
- durability and operational reliability
- durability mechanics
- durability of silicate brick
- duration of hardening
- dust
- dust removal
- dusting
- dye
- dynamic modulus of elasticity
- dynamics and kinetics of process
- dynamics of strength gain
- early freezing
- early strength
- eco-friendly materials
- ecological compatibility
- ecological safety
- ecology
- economic efficiency
- economic methods of stimulating industry
- economic reasonability
- economy
- ecowool
- education
- effect of casing
- effective ceramic material
- effective profile
- efficiency
- efficient mixing
- efflorescence
- elastic
- elastic modulus
- elasticity modulus
- elastomeric materials
- electric conductivity
- electric discharge technology
- electric discharge technology (EDT)
- electrical conductivity
- electro-hydraulics
- element of precast sub-floor
- enclosing structure
- enclosing structures
- ending tensile strength
- endurance
- energy efficiency
- energy efficient solution
- energy intensity
- energy saving
- energy-dispersive spectrum
- engobe
- enrichment
- entrepreneurship
- environment
- environmental agreements
- environmental declaration
- environmental Economics
- environmental friendliness
- epoxy composite materials
- epoxy polymer
- epoxy polymers
- epoxy resins
- equilibrium sorption humidity
- equipment diagnostics
- equivalent layer
- ERT bored injection piles
- ethyl silicate
- ethylene propylene rubber
- ettringite
- evaluation
- exact solution
- expanded clay
- expanded clay dust
- expanded clay gravel
- expanded clay powder
- expanded clay- concrete products
- expanded vermiculite
- expanding additive
- expansion
- expansion agent
- expansion of raw material base
- experiment planning
- experimental studies
- experimental-industrial approbation
- explosion-like destruction
- explosive fracture
- export
- external enclosing structures
- external reinforcement
- external reinforcement system
- external walls
- extreme simulation
- extruded polystyrene foam
- extruder
- facade
- facade coating
- facade elements
- façade layer
- facade panels
- facade systems
- face brick of light shades
- facing brick
- facing ceramic brick
- factors of working conditions
- factory readiness
- factory renovation
- fan support index
- Faraday's law
- fatigue
- features of structure formation
- feldspathic sands
- ferromagnetic particles
- fiber
- fiber cement
- fiber concrete
- fiber diameter
- fiber distribution
- fiber foam concrete
- fiber glass
- fiber reinforced polymer
- fiber reinforcement
- fiberglass
- fiberglass mesh
- fiberglass reinforcement
- fibers
- fibro-foam concrete mix
- fibroconcrete
- fibrous concrete
- filler
- fillers
- filling mixture
- filtration
- filtration mode indicator
- filtration pressing
- fine additive
- fine additives
- fine carbonate concrete
- fine concrete
- fine mineral additives
- fine-grained concrete
- finely ground additive
- finely ground additives
- finishing building materials
- finishing materials
- finishing mortar
- fire
- fire conditions
- fire protection efficiency
- fire resistance
- fire retardant
- fire retardants
- fire safety
- firing
- firing of ceramic products
- firing temperature
- flame blower
- flax
- flax processing waste
- flexible automated production
- flexible connections
- flexible tile
- floating floor
- flocculation
- floor
- floor dry mixes
- floor slabs
- flooring underlay
- flow curve
- flow sheet
- fluoroanhydrite
- fluoroanhydrite is neutralized with sodium sulfate
- flux density of radon
- fly ash
- foam ceramics
- foam concrete
- foam concrete mass
- foam former
- foam gas technology
- foam glass
- foam glass granules
- foam gypsum strip panels
- foam polystyrene
- foam zeolite
- foamed ethylene vinyl acetate
- foamed glass
- foamed polyethylene
- foamed polystyrene concrete panels
- foamed polyurethane
- force of anchor pull-out
- forced carbonate hardening
- forecast
- formulas
- frame buildings
- frame construction
- frame cottage
- frame system
- frame-painted structure
- frameless structure
- free surface energy
- frequency control with electric drives
- front surface
- frost resistance
- frost resistance of concrete
- fuel ash
- fuel saving
- full-body bricks
- functional additive
- functional additives
- fungal corrosion
- fungal resistance
- fungicidity
- furfural-acetone monomer FA
- fusible clays
- gas concrete
- gas silicate concrete
- generalized productivity
- geogrid
- geogrids
- geopolymer
- geopolymers
- geosynthetic materials
- geosynthetics
- geotechnical construction
- Germans in Russia
- Gibbs energy
- glass composite
- glass fiber
- glass fiber reinforced concrete
- glass transition temperature
- glass-plastic reinforcement
- glaze
- glinite
- glue
- glued binders
- glued construction
- grain composition
- granite
- granite crushed stone
- granular gas-forming agent
- granular microstructures
- granulated blast furnace slag
- granulated foam glass
- granulated foamed glass
- granulation
- granules of foam glass crystal
- granulometric composition
- grapheme oxide
- graphene oxide
- green strength
- greenhouse gas emissions
- grindability kinetics
- grinder “Kesar”
- grinding
- grinding intensifier
- groove-ridge slabs
- ground glass
- ground granulated blast furnace slag
- ground meal
- ground-granulated blast furnance slag
- gypsum
- gypsum binder
- gypsum binders
- gypsum board
- gypsum building slabs
- gypsum cement binders
- gypsum cement pozzolanic binder
- gypsum composite
- gypsum composite products
- gypsum finishing materials
- gypsum matrix
- gypsum stone
- gypsum-cement-pozzolan binder
- gypsum-cement-pozzolan concrete
- gypsum-containing by-products
- gypsum-fibre sheet
- Hamaker analog constant
- hardened solution
- hardener
- hardening
- hardening activator
- hardening in water
- hardening systems
- hardness
- heart rot
- heat and mass transfer
- heat carrier recirculation
- heat comprehensibility
- heat conductivity
- heat conductivity coefficient
- heat conservation
- heat diffusivity coefficient
- heat dissipation
- heat expansion
- heat flow
- heat insulating materials
- heat insulation
- heat protection
- heat protection of buildings
- heat transfer
- heat transfer resistance
- heat treatment
- heat-mass transfer
- heating
- heating main
- heavy concrete
- heavy-weight concrete
- hematite
- high alumina industrial waste
- high-hollow ceramic stones
- high-performance concrete
- high-speed railway
- high-strength concrete
- high-strength concretes
- high-strength fine concrete
- high-strength lightweight concrete
- highly dispersed mineral powders
- highly dispersed powder
- highly mobile concrete mix
- highway
- historical heritage and archaeological heritage
- hollow aggregate
- hollow ceramic micro-spheres
- hollow glass micro-spheres
- hollow glass microspheres
- hollow microspheres
- hollow vitrified spheres
- homogeneity
- house
- housing and port construction
- housing construction
- humidity
- humidity conditions
- hybrid
- hydrated fluoroanhydrite
- hydrated new growths
- hydration
- hydration activity
- hydration scheme
- hydration structures
- hydraulic activity
- hydraulic mortars
- hydraulic press
- hydraulic removal ash
- hydro-mechanical activation
- hydro-mechanical activationcomposite binding materials
- hydro-silicates of additional generation
- hydrophobic additive
- hydrophobicity
- hydrophobisator
- hydrosludes
- hydrothermal synthesis
- hygroscopic salts
- hyperplasticizer
- ice-melting reagents
- impact technology
- import
- import substitution
- impregnation
- inclined section
- incoming control
- increasing the strength
- indicative parameters
- indicators of evaluation
- industrial soot
- industrial sulfur
- industrial waste
- inertial screen
- influencing factors
- information-technical reference guides
- infrared spectroscopy
- injecting compaction
- innovation
- innovations
- innovative building materials and products
- installation conditions
- insulation system
- integral distribution function
- integrated management system
- integrated use of raw materialsceramics
- integrity
- inter-planar distances and sizes of gypsum crystalstag
- intermediate particles
- intermolecular interaction energy
- internationalization of intellectual resources
- interparticle contact
- interphase interaction
- IR-spectral analysis
- IR-spectroscopy
- iron oxyhydroxide
- isostatic graphite
- isothermal calorimetry
- Kaiser effect
- kaolin
- kaolinite
- kaolinite clays
- kaolins
- kinetics of plastic strength
- Knauf
- kvataron
- Lame constants
- Laplace’s function
- large aggregate
- large blocks of modified silicate brick
- large-format blocks
- large-format ceramic stones
- large-panel house
- large-panel house building
- large-panel housing construction
- laser cladding
- law affinity structures
- layer
- leaks
- leaning of facing masonry
- least squares method
- legislation
- level
- level of thermal protection
- life cycle
- life cycle of a logging road
- light concrete
- light porous aggregate
- light porous filler
- light weight gypsum material
- lightened strengthened gypsum stone
- lightweight concrete
- lightweight concretes
- lightweight expanded clay gravel
- lightweight porous concrete
- lignin
- lignocellulosic particles
- lignosulfonate
- lime
- lime mortar
- lime solution
- lime stone
- limequartz binders
- limesiliceous binder
- lime-silica binder
- lime-sulfur sealing compound
- limestone
- line and cyclic and line technologies
- lining layer
- linker less binder
- liquid glass
- liquid medium
- load-bearing capacity
- loading cycles
- loam
- loams
- log
- logging roads
- long-term storage
- long-term strength
- loss factor
- loss of mobility
- low negative temperatures
- low temperature synthesis of glass phase
- low water requirement cement
- low-calcium fly ash
- low-calcium fly ash fuel
- low-carbon cement
- low-carbon technologies
- low-cement concrete
- low-grade clays
- low-melting clays
- low-rise and multi-storey wooden housing construction
- low-rise construction
- low-rise residential buildings
- low-temperature non-equilibrium plasma
- lubricating composition
- lumber
- macro-roughness
- magnesia binder
- magnesia binders
- magnesite
- magnetic treatment
- magnetite
- magnetron sputtering
- management systems
- manganese concentrate
- manganese containing wastes
- manganesecontaining wastes with a reduced content of chromophores
- marble
- marine corrosion
- mark of brick on strength
- market of building materials based on gypsum
- marl
- masonry
- masonry defects
- masonry mortar
- masonry mortars
- mass
- mass conductivity
- mass loss during combustion
- mass transfer
- mass-spectrometry
- massive structures
- master curve
- mastic
- material
- mathematic model
- mathematical expectation
- mathematical model
- mathematical modeling
- mathematical planning
- mathematical simulation
- matrix
- matrix and cellular structure
- matrix structure
- maximum permissible concentration
- mean-square deviation
- measuring devices
- measuring system
- mechanical activation
- mechanical dispersion
- mechanical grinding
- mechanical properties
- mechanical tests of samples
- mechanical-chemical activation
- mechanics of durability
- mechanism of hydration
- mechano-composite
- mechanoactivation
- mechanochemical activation
- mechanocomposite
- medium density
- melamine-formaldehyde resin
- memory function
- mercury porosimetry
- meta-kaolin
- metakaolin
- metal impurities
- metal reinforcement
- metal structures
- metal/carbon nanocomposites
- metallurgical dust
- metallurgical slag
- metallurgical slags
- metallurgy waste
- method of application of alkaline activating agent
- method of burnable additives
- methods for calculation of number of ties
- micro-filler
- micro-plastic deformations
- micro-reinforcement
- micro-silica
- micro-structure
- microcalcite
- microclimate
- microphase separation
- microsilica
- microsilicon
- microstructural analysis
- microstructure
- milling
- millstone grit
- mine lift
- mineral additive
- mineral additives
- mineral composition
- mineral filler
- mineral micro-filler
- mineral modifier
- mineral phases
- mineral powder
- mineral powders
- mineral product of soda production
- mineral wool
- mineral wool heat insulation
- mineral wool products
- mineral-organic complex
- mineralogical composition
- mineralogical composition of concrete
- minerals
- mining equipment
- mixing liquid
- mobility
- mobility of mortar mix
- model of engineering education
- modernization
- modification
- modification of concrete structure
- modified asphalt concrete
- modified binder
- modified bitumen
- modified concrete
- modified crushed stone-mastic concrete
- modified gypsum binder
- modified perlite geopolymer
- modifier
- modifiers
- modifying additive
- modifying additives
- modifying disaccharide
- modulus of deformations
- modulus of elasticity
- moisture buffering
- moisture content
- moisture meter
- molding compounds
- molding mixtures
- monitoring of technical condition
- monograph
- monolithic concrete
- monolithic construction
- monolithic foam gypsum
- monolithic reinforced concrete grillage
- monolithic structures
- morphology
- mortar
- most sensitive indicator
- mudstone
- mudstone-like clays
- mudstones
- multi-disciplinary project
- multi-layer enclosing structures
- multi-walled carbon nanotubes
- multicomponent system
- multifunctional complex additive
- multifunctional glazing
- multilayer structures
- multilayered structures
- nahcolite
- Nakhichevan-on-Don
- nano materials
- nano-disperse silicon dioxide
- nano-modification
- nano-modified concrete
- nano-modifiers
- nano-particle
- nano-particles
- nano-silica
- nano-silicon dioxide
- nano-sized particles
- nano-technology
- nanomodification
- nanomodified PBB
- nanomodifier
- nanomodifiers
- nanoparticles
- nanoscale additive
- nanoscale additives
- nanosilica
- nanosilicon
- nanosized additives
- nanosized particles
- nanostructured binder
- nanostructured coatings
- nanosystems
- nanotechnologies
- nanotechnology
- nanotubes
- naphthalene-formaldehyde and mineral additives
- natural anhydrite
- natural rubber
- near infrared field
- negative temperatures
- network polymers
- neural networks
- new formations
- new technological order
- nickel slag
- Nikolsky brick factory
- noise absorption
- noise protection
- non-combustibility
- non-combustible insulation
- non-destructive methods of control
- non-monotonic profiles
- non-stratified PBB
- nondestructive methods
- nonmetallic building materials
- nonmetallic construction materials
- nonmetallic fiber
- nonstationarity
- normal adhesion
- normal consistency
- normal density
- normal distribution
- normal section
- normative documentation
- normative framework
- normative requirements
- numerical simulation
- oblique section
- OH and AI-OH centers
- one-layer enclosing structures
- one-stage crushing
- operating conditions
- operational conditions
- operational humidity
- operational reliability
- operational service
- opoka
- optical density
- optimal structure
- optimization
- organic fillers
- organic pigments
- organic-mineral modifier
- organomineral filler
- organophosphorus compounds
- organosilicon compounds
- own deformations
- own stresses
- paint and varnish materials
- paint coating
- panel buildings
- panoramic glazing
- paraffin emulsion
- parameters of acoustic emission signals
- partial pressure
- particle dynamics
- particle packaging
- passivation
- pavement
- pavement of highways
- paving
- paving tiles
- payback
- Pearson's criterion
- perforated form
- perlite
- permafrost
- permafrost soil
- permanent formwork
- permissible depth
- petrographic studies
- petrography
- phase analysis
- phase composition
- phase formation
- phase transformations
- phenol formaldehyde resin
- phosphate binder
- phospho-hemihydrate of calcium sulfate
- phosphogypsum
- photo-catalytic properties
- photocatalysis
- photocatalytic activity
- photocatalytic composite material
- physical and mechanical indicators
- physical and mechanical parameters
- physical and mechanical properties
- physical-mechanical properties
- physical-chemical bases
- piece wall materials
- pigments
- pile field
- pile foundation
- pilot projects
- pine
- pipe concrete columns
- Planbar
- plaster materials
- plastic strength
- plasticization
- plasticizer
- plasticizers
- plasticizing additive
- plywood
- Poisson number
- Poisson’s ratio
- polyamide fiber
- polycarbonate
- polycarboxylate
- polycarboxylate plasticizer
- polycarboxylates
- polycarboxylite
- polycondensation
- polyethylene
- polyethylene foam
- polyethyleneterephthalate
- polyfunctional additive
- polyguanidines
- polyisocyanateurethane
- polyisocyanurate foam
- polyisocyanurate foam boards
- polyisocyanurates
- polymer
- polymer blends
- polymer coating
- polymer compatibility
- polymer composite material
- polymer composite materials
- polymer concrete
- polymer construction materials
- polymer mixtures
- polymer silicate binder
- polymer-bitumen binder
- polymer-bitumen materials
- polymer-composite reinforcement
- polymer-organic binder
- polymeric building materials
- polymeric composite material
- polymeric composition
- polymers
- polymolecular-adsorbed component
- polypropylene
- polypropylene fiber
- polystationarity
- polystyrene concrete
- polystyrene foam
- polyurethane
- polyurethane foam
- polyurethane foam adhesive composition
- polyurethane glue
- polyurethanes
- polyvinyl chloride
- polyvinylchloride
- pore structure
- porosity
- porous aggregate
- porous and dense ceramic stone
- porous ceramic material
- porous ceramic materials
- porous concrete
- porous material
- porous structure
- portland cement
- portland cement clinker
- Portlandcement
- Portlandite
- post-tensioning
- powder metal
- powder x-ray diffraction and microstructural studies
- powder-activated concrete
- powder-activated concretes
- power supply
- pozzolanic activity
- pozzolanic based additives
- pozzolanic materials
- practical implementation of state development programs
- pre-stressed elements
- precast concrete
- precast reinforced concrete
- precast-monolithic construction method
- precast-monolithic frame
- precursor
- prediction of service time
- prefabricated buildings
- prehydration
- preservation
- presses for silicate brick
- pressing
- pressure drop
- prestressing element
- primary protection
- probability of a null hypothesis
- processing
- production
- production clusters
- production efficiency
- production of reinforced concrete products
- production of steel
- production technology
- production waste
- productivity
- products of hardening
- profitability
- progressive collapse
- properties
- properties of material
- properties of sealants
- protection against electro-magnetic radiation
- protective coating
- protective layer
- protein-based foaming agent
- Pryazovia
- pulse noise
- pulse-arc dispersion method
- pulverization
- pulverized fraction of cement-sand stone (PFCS)
- pumps with servo-motor at permanent magnets
- punching
- putty mixtures
- PVC membrane
- pyrite
- pyrolytic gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
- pyrrhotine
- quality
- quality control
- quarry
- quartz
- quartz-feldspar-zeolite rock
- radiation
- radiation-protective materials
- radon
- radon-protecting gypsum slab
- rank correlation
- Rashid
- rational raw material preparation
- rationing
- raw material base
- raw material enrichment
- raw materials
- raw strength
- reactive heat transfer resistance
- rebar
- reconstruction
- recuperative burners
- recycled cement
- recycled concrete
- recycled crushed stone
- recycled material
- recycling
- reduced resistance to heat transfer
- reduction in average density
- reduction of material consumption of construction
- reduction range
- reference documents
- reflective heat insulation
- refractory clay
- refractory foam concrete
- regeneration
- regression equation
- regulation
- regulatory base of high-rise construction
- reinforced beams
- reinforced concrete
- reinforced concrete products
- reinforced concrete structures
- reinforced concrete tank
- reinforced embankment
- reinforcement
- reinforcement corrosion
- reinforcing
- reinforcing fibers
- reinforcing of wood matrix
- reinforcing tapes
- relative deformation
- relaxers
- reliability
- reliability and safety
- reliability of structures
- renewable raw materials
- repair
- repair mixes
- requirements of technical documentation
- residential house
- residual properties
- resistance against decay
- resistance coefficient
- resistance to destruction
- resistance to prolonged water saturation
- resistance to radon penetration
- resource and energy saving
- resource center
- resource conservation
- resource efficiency
- resource saving
- resource-saving technologies
- responses
- restoration
- restoration mortars
- restoration of building structures
- reuse
- rheological behavior
- rheological compatibility of additives and cement
- rheological curve
- rheological properties
- rheology
- rice husk
- rice husk ash
- risk assessment
- risk of passing
- risk theory
- road base
- road clinker
- road concrete
- road construction
- road facilities
- road geometric and strength parameters
- road markings
- road pavement
- road pavements
- road safety
- road surface
- roads
- roadway plate
- roasting
- rock
- rock refuse of coal mining
- rock-crushing plant
- rocks
- roof
- roof-design
- roofing
- roofing materials
- rotary excavator
- rotary kiln
- rotor-pulsation apparatus
- rounded logs
- rubber
- rubble
- rutting
- safety
- safety of buildings
- sand
- sand-gravel mix
- sandstones
- sandwich-panels
- saponite-containing material
- sawdust
- scanning electron microscopy
- scanning electronic microscopy
- screen underflow
- screening
- screening of slag rubble
- screenings
- screenings of crushed slag stone
- screw
- screw reinforcement
- screw reservation
- screw restoration
- sealer made of PPFP-Astiki
- sealing
- seamless sheet
- seasonal brick factories
- second disposal
- secondary mineral wool raw materials
- secondary resources
- sediment profile
- self-adhesive
- self-cleaning
- self-compacting concrete
- self-compacting concrete mix
- self-compacting concretes
- self-compacting fine-grained concretes
- self-compacting fine-grained fresh concrete
- self-cost reduction
- self-healing
- self-healing concrete
- self-oscillations of concentrations
- self-reinforced material
- self-reinforcement
- self-stressing concrete
- semi-dry molding
- semi-dry pressing
- semi-dry pressing method
- separation
- serpentine
- setting acceleration
- setting time
- shaft kiln
- shales
- shear module
- shear modulus
- shear resistance
- shear strength of brick
- shearing strength
- shielding filler
- shift
- shift-factor
- short-term high-temperature heating
- shrinkage
- shrinkage crack
- shrinking deformations
- Shukhov Tower
- siding
- sieve with polyhedral drum
- siftings
- silica
- silica concrete
- silica fume
- silica gel
- silica raw materials
- silica sol
- silicate
- silicate block
- silicate blocks
- silicate brick
- silicate composites
- silicate mass
- silicate materials
- silicate paint
- silicate products
- silicate wall materials
- siliceous raw material
- silicon dioxide
- siltstone
- similarity criteria
- single-layer external walls
- sintering
- sintering interval
- size
- size range
- sizes of crystals of gypsum matrix
- slag
- slag concrete
- slag crushed stone
- slag filler
- slag sand
- slag structure
- slag-alkaline binder
- slag-alkaline concrete
- slags
- slaked silicate mass
- slate
- slate plant
- sleepers
- slump of cone
- small architectural forms
- snow cover
- snow density
- social effect
- social responsibility
- soda ash fusion cake
- sodium citrate
- sodium metasilicate
- sodium phosphate
- sodium sulfate
- sodium tripolyphosphate
- soft molding
- soft shell structures
- softening coefficient
- softening temperature
- softwood
- soil
- soil-cement pile
- soil-concrete
- soil-concrete pile (GBS)
- soils
- sol-gel
- sol-gel method
- sol-gel synthesis
- sol-gel technology
- solid-phase sintering
- sorption
- sorption humidity
- sorption isotherm
- Sosnovsky's hogweed
- sound absorption
- sound insulation
- South of the Russian Empire
- SOVBI technology
- space block house prefabrication
- spatial rod structure
- specific surface
- specific surface area
- spectroscopy
- speed
- speed of construction
- spoilage of products
- stability of PBB
- stabilization
- stabilization and strengthening of soils
- stabilization of the structure
- stabilizers
- stacker
- standard
- standard evaluation of mineral raw materials
- standardization
- standards
- static contact angles of wetting
- statistical analysis
- statistics
- steel
- steel fiber reinforced concrete
- steel strands
- steel-fiber concrete
- steelmaking slag
- steelmaking slags
- stickiness
- stone
- stone and reinforced masonry structures
- stone masonry
- stone vaults
- stone-mastic asphalt concrete
- strain gages for concrete
- strategy of 2030
- stratification of PBB
- strength
- strength assessment
- strength calculation
- strength characteristics
- strength control
- strength indicators
- strength of stone masonry under compression
- strength properties
- strengthening
- strengthening clay soil
- strengthening of building structures
- stress
- stress losses
- stress relaxation
- stress-corrosion cracking
- stress-strain state
- stress-strain state of load-bearing structures
- structural coloration
- structural concrete
- structural defects
- structural heat insulation
- structural model
- structure
- structure and properties of stone
- structure formation
- structure formation mechanism
- structure formation processes
- structure of cement stone
- structure of demand
- structure of materials
- structures
- structuring components
- studded tires
- study of micro-structure
- sulfate resistance
- sulfates
- sulfide
- sulfoaluminate additive
- sulfur
- super-plasticizer
- superplasticizer
- superplasticizers
- surface
- surface characteristics
- surface energy
- surface tension
- surface texture
- surfactants
- suspended façade
- suspended facade systems
- suspended ventilated facade
- suspension
- suspensions
- sustainability
- sustainable development
- swelling
- swelling plants
- synchronous thermal analysis
- synergism
- synergistic effect
- synthesis
- synthetic anhydrite
- synthetic calcium silicates
- systems of external reinforcement
- tape conveyor
- technical fabric with coating
- technical inspection
- technical lignosulphonates
- technical operation of machines
- technical regulation in construction
- technical regulation in construction complex
- technical requirements
- technical risk management
- technical sulfur
- technogenic (man-made) waste of coal enrichment
- technogenic color modifiers
- technogenic materials
- technogenic raw materials
- technogenic waste
- technological and ceramic properties
- technological conditions
- technological equipment
- technological regulation
- technological scheme
- technologies
- technology
- technology of production of disperse-reinforced asphalt concrete mixes
- temperature
- temperature deformations
- temperature distribution
- temperature effect
- temperature field
- temperature regime
- tensile strength
- tension
- tension strength
- terrace boards
- terrophaserite
- testing
- textile and fibrous materials
- textile canvas
- textile gypsum concrete
- textile-concrete
- thawing
- the interplanar dis- tances of the lattice
- the properties of the mixture and stone
- thermal activation
- thermal balance
- thermal changed rock
- thermal conductivity
- thermal conductivity coefficient
- thermal crack resistance
- thermal expansion coefficient
- thermal imager
- thermal insulation
- thermal insulation material
- thermal insulation materials
- thermal power waste
- thermal properties
- thermal protection
- thermal regime
- thermal resistance
- thermal study
- thermal-technical homogeneity
- thermo-metering, gas analysis
- thermo-modified peat additive TMT600
- thermo-reactive resins
- thermodynamic probability
- thermogram
- thermogravimetry
- thermolysis
- thermomechanical studies
- thermoplastics
- three-layered external walls
- tile
- tiles
- timber
- titanium dioxide
- titanium nitride
- tongue-and-groove connection
- tongue-and-groove slabs
- torsion with bending
- toxic substances
- toxicity
- translucent enclosing structures of high-rise buildings
- translucent structures
- transport and operational qualities
- transport construction
- tridymite-cristobalite binder
- tripoli
- tunnel kiln
- two-layer granules
- two-stage crushing
- UHF field
- UHW field
- ultimate shear stresses of cement suspensions
- ultrafine additive
- ultrasonic dispersion
- ultrasonic treatment
- ultrasound
- ultraviolet radiation
- unbound section
- uniformity
- unslaked silicate mass
- urban main roads
- Ust-Elegest mudstones
- utilization
- UV-VIS-NIR-specter
- van der Waals volumes
- vapor permeability
- vapor pressure
- variable density
- ventilated air gap
- ventilation
- vermiculite
- vertical temperature-deformation joint
- vibrating screen
- vibration crushing
- vibration exciter
- vibration insulation
- vibration isolation
- vibration sensors
- vibration-based diagnostics
- vibro-pressing
- viscosity
- viscosity regulator
- vitreous perlite
- volcanic ash
- volumetric coloring
- vortex layer
- wall blocks
- wall ceramic
- wall ceramics
- wall enclosing structures of buildings
- wall materials
- wall systems
- waste
- waste basalt fiber
- waste coal
- waste disposal
- waste heaps
- waste materials
- waste piles
- waste utilization
- wastes
- water absorption
- water conditions
- water content
- water demand
- water impermeability
- water resistance
- water separation
- water soluble self-dispersing paints
- water suspension
- water tightness
- water treatment slurry
- water vapor permeability coefficient
- water vapor resistance
- water vapor sorption
- water-cement ratio
- water-gypsum ratio
- water-need of mixture
- water-physical and mechanical characteristics
- water-proof structures without additional (secondary) protection
- water-repellent additives
- water-retaining additives
- water-solid ratio
- waterproofing
- waterstop
- wear
- Wear of the road surface
- weighted average reflectance
- welding of lock connections
- wetting
- white-burning clay
- wind load
- windows
- winter concreting
- wollastonite
- wood
- wood chipboard
- wood combustibility
- wood fillers
- wood shaving
- wood shavings
- wood-cement compositions
- wood-polymer composite
- wood-polymer composites
- wooden bark
- wooden panels
- working capacity
- working liquids
- woven geotextile
- X-ray analysis
- X-ray microanalysis
- X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
- X-ray structural analysis
- X-ray-phase analysis
- zeolite
- zeta potential
- рortland cement