Structure Formation of Ceramic with Clays Which Form Various Phases at Burning

Number of journal: 8-2015

Salakhov A.M.
Tagirov L.R.

УДК: 691.41


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
Characteristics of clays of Sakharovskoye, Alekseevskoye, Salmanovskoye, Novoorskoye, and Yuzhno-Ushkotinskoye deposits, silica rocks of Tatarsko-Shatrashanskoye deposit are presented; peculiarities of their mineral compositions have been investigated. It is shown that in the process of burning of fusible polymineral clays, clays with a high content of aluminum oxide and clays with a high content of carbonates, significantly different various mineral phases, which influence on macroscopic characteristics of materials, are formed. The characteristic of natural and anthropogenic modifiers is given, their influence on the structure of materials is described. On the example of the “Alekseevskaya keramika” brick factory, it is shown that the purposeful combination of clays, silica rocks and modifiers at the optimal burning temperature makes it possible to produce the ceramic with the set phase composition and, subsequently, properties.
A.M. SALAKHOV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
L.R. TAGIROV, Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics)

Kazan Federal University, Institute of Physics (18, Kremlyovskaya Street, Kazan, 420008, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Salakhov A.M., Tagirov L.R. Structure Formation of Ceramic with Clays Which Form Various Phases at Burning. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2015. No. 8, pp. 68-75. (In Russian). DOI: 

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