New Possibilities for the Application of Unconditional Raw Materials in Construction

Number of journal: 7-2023

Bondarev В.А.,
Salamanova M. Sh.,
Ismailova Z.Kh.

УДК: 691.32


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The desertification of vast territories in the south of the East European Plain, and in particular the northeastern part of the Chechen Republic, requires special attention to the possible use of dune sands, practically unused in construction, the volumes of which are in an unlimited number. The well-known world industrial experience in the introduction of dune sands, characterized by the presence of dusty fractions with a particle size of less than 0.1 mm, will make it possible to find fundamentally new approaches to obtain competitive and high-quality products. This is especially relevant for road construction, because in our country the implementation of new projects using non-traditional materials has not found practical application. The problems of roads have been at all times and occupy a key position in the development of the domestic economy, since they carry out up to 90% of the national economic transportation by various types of road transport. Therefore, the development of technology to strengthen the foundations of pavements with materials reinforced with composite binders on dune sands is undoubtedly an urgent task that allows expanding the raw material resource of the construction industry, thereby improving the technical condition of highways.
В.А. BONDAREV1, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.);
M.Sh. SALAMANOVA2, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.),
Z.Kh. ISMAILOVA2, Сandidatе of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

1 Lipetsk State Technical University (30, Street Moskovskaya, Lipetsk, 398055, Russian Federation)
2 Grozny State Oil Technical University named after M.D. Millionshikov (100, Avenue Isaev, Grozny, 364021, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Bondarev В.А., Salamanova M. Sh., Ismailova Z.Kh. New possibilities for the application of unconditional raw materials in construction. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2023. No. 7, pp. 49–53. (In Russian). DOI: