In Search of Innovative Materials for Mass Construction of Low-Rise Buildings in the Republic of Chad

Number of journal: 5-2023

Fedosov S.V.,
Kenewei E.
Lapidus A.A.

УДК: 66.043.9


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The history of architecture and construction has shown that the traditional architecture of each country has become possible only thanks to the abundance of local materials available to everyone. Given this reality, folk architecture is a materialization of local materials available in every corner manifesting in visible form thanks to the ingenuity of the masters. This natural opportunity has been embodied in the construction of housing in African societies, and Chad is also no exception. The habitat built by artisans was built from available local materials, such as stubble, tree leaves, earth-straw mixture, blocks of earth from unbaked clay (adobe) and others. Over time, housing is being built from blocks of compressed clay, baked bricks, light concrete blocks (cinder blocks) and others. Given the current trend, these materials no longer meet modern challenges, so thinking about developing materials that take into account evolution means finding innovative materials developed on the basis of local resources, taking into account existing realities without compromising the well-being of the future society. The work in this research paper will allow us to briefly lay out the existing materials used in construction in Chad, as well as identify their advantages and disadvantages and offer innovative and sustainable new material for the mass construction of low-rise buildings based on local resources.
S.V. FEDOSOV, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor, Academician of RAASN (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.),
E. KENEWEI, Graduate Student (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.),
A.A. LAPIDUS, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Professor (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (129337, Moscow, Yaroslavskoe Highway, 26)

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For citation: Fedosov S.V., Kenewei E. Lapidus A.A. In search of innovative materials for mass construction of low-rise buildings in the Republic of Chad. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2023. No. 5, pp. 72–78. (In Russian). DOI: