Results of the Development of the Russian Wall Materials Market in 2021

Number of journal: 3-2022

Semenov A.A.

УДК: 630*381.2:339.13


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
Statistical data on the wall materials market in 2021 are given. The dependence of this segment of building materials on the development of individual housing construction is shown. In the total record volume of housing commissioned in 2021 – 92.6 million m2, the share of individual residential buildings amounted to 49.1 million m2, which is 23.4% more than in 2020. This segment of construction consumed 87% of the total volume of piece wall materials. Among the piece wall materials, the dynamics of production and consumption are ambiguous. Autoclaved aerated concrete (AGB) blocks demonstrated the highest production growth rates. At the same time, the data of Rosstat, GS-Expert specialists and the National Association of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Manufacturers (NAAG) differ very significantly (+9.5, 14.2, 15% compared to 2020, respectively). Ceramic bricks, reinforced concrete structures for walls and partitions and wooden logs showed negative dynamics. The price of all wall materials has increased in different proportions. In 2021, there was a tendency to increase the share of AGB in the total volume of wall materials and decrease the share of other piece materials. In 2021, the tendency to increase the share of AGE in the total volume of wall materials and a decrease in the share of other piece materials remained.
A.A. SEMENOV, Candidate of Science (Engineering), General Director (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

LLC “GS-Expert”

For citation: Semenov A.A. Results of the development of the Russian wall materials market in 2021. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2022. No. 3, pp. 44–45. (In Russian). DOI: