Integrated Approach in Concrete Science

Number of journal: 4-2022

Kondrashchenko V.I.

УДК: 693


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
An integrated approach to solving one of the priority problems of building materials science is proposed – appointment of recipe-technological parameters for obtaining materials, taking into account a set of requirements for both the properties of the concrete mix and concrete (traditional differentiated approach), and the properties of the structure for which this material is intended (proposed integrated approach). A specific example shows the difference in the results of differentiated and integrated approaches when assigning the optimal composition of only slag-pumice concrete and taking into account its work in a reinforced concrete structure. The most effectively integrated approach can be implemented on the basis of one of the methods of computer materials science – the method of structural simulation.
V.I. KONDRASHCHENKO, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Russian University of Transport (Вuil. 9, 9, Obraztsova Street, Moscow, 127994, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Kondrashchenko V.I. Integrated approach in concrete science. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2022. No. 4, pp. 54–63. (In Russian). DOI: