Classification Features and Peculiarities of Opal-Cristobalite Opoka-Like Rocks as Raw Materials for Wall Ceramics

Number of journal: 4-2022

Kotlyar V.D.,
Terekhina Yu.V.

УДК: 691.421


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
Data on the use of opal-cristobalite opoka-like rocks in the production of wall ceramics are presented. The well-known classifications of opal-cristobalite rocks are considered both from a geological point of view and from a technological point of view. It is indicated that the development of classification features of rocks and the compilation of a classification combining geological and technological aspects is an important task for expanding the raw material base, discovering new deposits and revaluing existing ones. The description of the main groups of siliceous opal-cristobalite rocks is given: diatomites, tripolis, opokas – the difference between them is that diatomites and tripolis are rocks soaked in water, and opokas are non-soaked or hard-to-soaked. The features of chemical and mineral compositions of opoka-like rocks and classical clay raw materials are considered. The scheme of the relationship between the pre-firing and technological properties of the opokas, the degree of their lithification, chemical and mineralogical composition, structural features and physical and mechanical properties is described. According to the degree of lithification, 4 lithological and technological types of opal-cristobalite opocoid rocks were identified as raw materials for the production of wall ceramics: opoka-like clays, clay opokas; classic opokas; silicified opokas. It is noted that the peculiarity of the opoka is the dependence of their ceramic technological properties on their mechanical activation. This dependence is observed with an increase in the degree of lithification of the rock: opoka-like clays → clay opokas → classic opokas → silicified opokas. It is concluded that that opoka-like clays and various types of opokas with their intermediate varieties are promising raw materials for the production of various types of wall ceramics.
V.D. KOTLYAR, Doctor of Science (Engineering), (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.),
Yu.V. TEREKHINA, Engineer, Lecturer, (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Don State Technical University, (1, Gagarina Square, Rostov-on-Don 344003, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Kotlyar V.D., Terekhina Yu.V. Classification features and peculiarities of opal-cristobalite opoka-like rocks as raw materials for wall ceramics. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2022. No. 4, pp. 25–30. (In Russian). DOI: