Bridges between Science and Practice of Building

Number of journal: 3-2021

Yarmakovsky V.N.

УДК: 624


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
A brief analytical summary of the materials (reports, articles), published in the Proceedings of the International Federation for Structural Concrete (fib) Symposium “Concrete Structures for Resilient Society” [1], is given. Outstanding achievements of the world scientific researches in the field of the technologies for the building, design of the engineering constructions and their reconstruction of the following main types are noted: bridges over sea straits with length up to 52 km with underwater tunnels (China); bridges over deep gorges in the mountains (Japan); innovative technologies for reconstruction of bridges after the earthquakes (Japan); bridge reconstruction technologies (China); bridges in the fjords of Norway with structures of both the span structures and supports with using in recent decades with mainly high-strength structural lightweight concrete with use of the porous aggregates – imported production (in particular, expanded clay gravel from Belarus) instead of the equal-strength normal weight concrete with use of the natural dense aggregates – from local rocks (granite, dolomite, etc.). This is due to significantly higher durability indicators of the structural lightweight aggregate concrete (frost resistance, water resistance, and, accordingly, resistance to the permeability of chlorine ions and magnesian salts solutions of the marine environment into the porous structure of concrete). There are considered offshore platforms for oil extraction, primarily in the Northern tidal seas and the seas of the Far East also; constructive schemes of the platforms, technologies for their building; recently – the construction of individual structural parts of platforms in the coastal zone, in particular, in dry dock, with the afloating delivery to the building place of the platform. The conceptual method for offshore platforms designing that was developed by the Norwegian company (the head – Dr., prof. Tor Ole Olsen) deserves attention. This is a better and more consistent method of design in the comparison with the previous method of linear elastic analysis and nonlinear point design. The latter provides more safer and more cost-effective design, allowing simultaneous phased construction of platforms. As for the innovative technologies for creating concrete of the new most effective modifications in construction, the following are noted: – physical-chemical bases of the technologies of concrete which is resistant to the of ultra-low (up to minus 196°C) cryogenic temperatures exposure, intended mainly for use in the construction of the reinforced concrete tanks for storing of the liquefied natural gases in the coastal Arctic zone of the European continent (author’s development of the NIISF RAACS [2]); – the technology of high-strength (R28d=180 MPa) fine-grained concrete, produced by so called “powder’s technology” with ultrafine quartz powder, used by scientists and designers of China for the construction of large-span bridges (Engineering Science and Technology Research Institute, Shanghai, China) [3].
V.N. YARMAKOVSKY, Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, Expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences, member of the International Federation for Structural Concrete (fib) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Research Institute of Building Physics of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (21, Lokomotivniy Driveway, Moscow,127238, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Yarmakovsky V.N. Bridges between science and practice of building. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2021. No. 3, pp. 18–35. (In Russian). DOI: