The Method of Calculation of Building Structures by Reliability Level

Number of journal: 11-2020

Belentsov Yu.A.

УДК: 624


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The analysis of the problem of calculating the bearing capacity of structures, taking into account the guaranteed level of reliability and failure-free operation, was carried out. On the basis of the works of N. N. Streletsky, A. R. Rzhanits and others, “bottlenecks” are established that do not make it possible to design structures with a guaranteed level of reliability and failure-free operation, despite the introduction of the concept of strength class and the existing reliability theory. According to the failure-free operation indicator, a scheme for normalizing the reliability of designed building structures is proposed and is interrelated with the assessment of the quality of structures being built. Guaranteed design quality indicators with a set probability of failure-free operation that are not related to strength are introduced: geometric dimensions, modulus of deformation and elasticity, taking into account the variability of properties and technology. The corresponding reserve coefficients ensuring the required probability of failure-free operation are determined. The scheme for calculating the design of structures with the required level of reliability is developed in the process of design, construction and operation of structures, taking into account the completeness and reliability of information on the results of quality control, during operation, taking into account the reduction of physical, mechanical and other properties of structures.
Yu.A. BELENTSOV, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Petersburg State Transport University of Emperor Alexander I (9, Moskovsky Avenue, 190031, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Belentsov Yu.A. The method of calculation of building structures by reliability level. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2020. No. 11, pp. 54–59. (In Russian). DOI: