Influence of Polymer Surfactants on the Corrosion of Steel Reinforcement in Concrete as Part of a Complex Anti-Corrosion Additive

Number of journal: 3-2020

Talipov L.N.,
Velichko E.G.,
Tembulatov S.I.

УДК: 666.982.24


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
Corrosion of steel reinforcement in concrete under the influence of aggressive environments brings huge losses all over the world. In this connection the development of methods for passivation of reinforcing steel is quite an urgent task. One of these methods is the use of complex anti-corrosion additives in the concrete mix. As a component of such additives, polymer surfactants are of particular interest because of their programmable properties, especially since the geography and range of their application are expanding. to assess the possibility of using polymer surfactants as components of a complex anti corrosion additive for a steel rod, samples of concrete with a chloride corrosion medium were modeled. To keep the polymer in the liquid phase longer, a naphthalene formaldehyde surfactant was added that was more active in its adsorbing characteristics. The result was that 6 of the 13 studied polymers in the complex anticorrosion additive showed a protective ability of 100%, the remaining 7 – from 96.46 to 99.9%. Based on the results obtained, it was found that polycarboxylate polymers have a passivating effect under aggressive medium-term probability by the adsorption-film mechanism. Thus, the prerequisites were created for further study of the principle of the protective effect of complex anti-corrosion additives based on polymer surfactants and a passivator.
L.N. TALIPOV, Engineer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.),
E.G. VELIChKO, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.),

National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (26, Yaroslavskoe Highway, Moscow, 129337, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Talipov L.N., Velichko E.G., Tembulatov S.I. Influence of polymer surfactants on the corrosion of steel reinforcement in concrete as part of a complex anti-corrosion additive. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2020. No. 3, pp. 16–21. (In Russian). DOI: