Results of the Study of the Causes of Destruction of Concrete Pavement of a Sea Pier on the Coast of the Sea of Japan

Number of journal: 11-2019

Vavreniuk S.V.
Efimenko Yu.V.
Vavreniuk V.G.
Farafonov A.E.

УДК: 621.78.019.8


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
Results of the study at aimed at identifying the causes of the destruction of the concrete coating of the sea pier on the West Coast of the Japan Sea are presented. It is shown how intense the processes of salt and atmospheric corrosion of concrete, as well as leaching of cement hydration products from concrete with high permeability of concrete (W<4) and low density (water absorption of 9.3–9.5%). The fact of the lack of proper compaction and maintenance of the concrete coating during the execution of concrete works, which led to high porosity (19%) of concrete and incomplete hydration of cement, has been established. And, as a result, there was intense atmospheric (carbonate) and salt (magnesium-sulfate) corrosion, accompanied by frost destruction. It was determined that the maximum amount of marine corrosion products in the form of brucite (up to 2–4%), chlorine ion (up to 2–3%) and Friedel salt (up to 3%) in the concrete coating is contained in areas adjacent to lines of the sea. In process of moving away from the sea coast, the amount of bruсite and chloride-ion in the concrete of the coating decreases. Moreover, in a number of samples, the content of bruсite Mg(OH)2 in concrete increases in proportion to the amount of chloride ion.
S.V. VAVRENIUK, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Corresponding Member of RAACS
Yu.V. EFIMENKO, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)
V.G. VAVRENIUK, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
A.E. FARAFONOV, Engineer

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For citation: Vavreniuk S.V., Efimenko Yu.V., Vavreniuk V.G., Farafonov A.E. Results of the study of the causes of destruction of concrete pavement of a sea pier on the coast of the Sea of Japan. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2019. No. 11, pp. 37–41. (In Russian). DOI: