Development, Production and Implementation of Innovative Types of Reinforcing Bars for Construction

Number of journal: 9-2019

Tikhonov I.N.

УДК: 666.982.24


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The introduction of high-performance technologies and “European” profile with double-sided (double-row) arrangement of transverse ribs in the production of rebars reduces its corrosion resistance, weldability, adhesion to concrete. The changes made to the SP 63.13330.2012 “Concrete and reinforced concrete structures”, taking into account what happened, led to overspending of reinforcement in reinforced concrete structures by 5–30% compared with the requirements of SNiP 2.03.01–84* “Concrete and reinforced concrete structures”. Domestic innovative development of rebar with a quadrilateral (four-row) helical profile of Av500P class makes it possible to improve the qualitative indicators of its consumer properties and efficiency of application in various sectors of construction. The new reinforcement is recommended for mass implementation by the Council for reinforced concrete structures at RAACS. High prospects of its application in bridge construction, high-rise, nuclear power, defense and earthquake-resistant construction are assumed.
I.N. TIKHONOV, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

JSC «Research Center of Construction» (6, 2nd Institutskaya Street, Moscow, 109428, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Tikhonov I.N. Development, production and implementation of innovative types of reinforcing bars for construction. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2019. No. 9, pp. 67–75. (In Russian). DOI: