Degradation of Reinforced Concrete Structures of Marine Works from the Combined Impact of Carbonation and Chloride Aggression

Number of journal: 5-2019

Shalyi E.E.
Leonovich S.N.
Kim L.V.

УДК: 691.328.1


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
Corrosion of reinforcement of marine and coastal hydraulic structures due to chloride aggression and carbonation of concrete leads to a sharp decrease in the safety of the structure. The existing design methods do not fully reflect the actual operating conditions of hydraulic structures. This is particularly evident in areas where the simultaneous impact of such factors as low air temperatures and a large number of clear days in the winter with strong solar radiation, leads to a sharp change in the actual operating conditions compared to the calculated. Concretes of many structures and installations experience a greater number of aggressive impacts than provided for by the design standards. As a result of these effects, the reinforcement is subjected to the depassivation process as soon as the chloride concentration on its surface exceeds the threshold concentration, or the pH value in the protective layer of concrete decreases to the threshold value as a result of carbonation. When oxygen penetrates to the surface of the reinforcement, electrochemical reactions are implemented with formation of corrosion products. This leads to cracking of the protective layer of concrete, reducing the cross-sectional area of the reinforcement. The paper proposes a method for predicting the complex degradation of reinforced concrete structures of coastal structures with due regard for the various mechanisms of corrosion wear, which makes it possible to develop effective ways to improve the durability and maintainability of structures operated in the marine environment.
E.E. SHALYI1, Engineer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
S.N. LEONOVICH2, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
L.V. KIM1, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

1 Far Eastern Federal University (E920, 12, Ajax Bay, Russky Island, Vladivostok, 690091, Russian Federation)
2 Belarusian National Technical University (220013, Belarus, Minsk, Nezavisimosty Ave., 65)

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For citation: Shalyi E.E., Leonovich S.N., Kim L.V. Degradation of reinforced concrete structures of marine works from the combined impact of carbonation and chloride aggression. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2019. No. 5, pp. 67–72. (In Russian). DOI: