To Improve the Biological Resistance Floors Made of Modified Wood the Introduction of Nanoscale Additives

Number of journal: №1-2-2018

Batin M.A.
Pichugin A.P.
Khritankov V.F.
Kudryashov A.Y.

DOI: http://10.31659/0585-430X-2018-756-1-2-52-57
УДК: 691.11:674.0 48

AbstractAbout the AuthorReferences
Known low capacity wooden flooring to resist moisture and various corrosive environments. This marked reduction in strength and deformability, which leads to failure of the floors of livestock buildings. The proposed technology modification of wood-polymer compositions and device of her sexes. On the basis of the conducted complex studies to determine optimal formulations of nanosized additives, providing increased performance. It is established that in addition to increasing physico-mechanical properties and decay resistance of wood modified with a phenol-alcohols with nano-additives, has a low content of free phenol. The proposed methods modification of wood polymer compounds with nano-sized additives directed action provides a significant reduction in turnaround periods, reduce labor, material and energy costs.
M.A. BATIN, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering),
A.P. PICHUGIN, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.),
V.F. KHRITANKOV, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering),
A.Y. KUDRYASHOV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) Novosibirsk State Agrarian University (160, Dobrolyubova Street, Novosibirsk, 630039, Russian Federation)
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For citation: Batin M.A., Pichugin A.P., Khritankov V.F., Kudryashov A.Y. To improve the biological resistance floors made of modified wood the introduction of nanoscale additives. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction materials]. 2018. No. 1–2, pp. 52–57. DOI: http://10.31659/0585-430X-2018-756-1-2-52-57 (In Russian).