Strengthening Landslide Slope

Number of journal: №11-2018

Sokolov N.S.

УДК: 624.154.54

AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The article considers the use of electric discharge technology when constructing buried structures of bored-injection ERT piles and ground anchors EDT to ensure the stability of the landslide slope and objects previously built on it. To perform the stated task, there are a number of modern geotechnical technologies in construction practice. Their optimum choice is possible only on technical and economic indicators. The most frequently used tool in modern design practice is an innovative method of interactive design: “project-experience-real project”, with which, for the case under consideration, the anchored retaining wall constructed by electric discharge technology is determined. In this case, a bored-injection pile EDT and a ground anchor EDT are monolithic reinforced concrete structures. Reinforcement is carried out by means of rod reinforcement A500C with a diameter of 36 mm. As an anchor rod, screw reinforcement with a diameter of 26.5 mm is used. Cement mortar with a water-cement ratio W:C =0.5 is used. A high-level technological regulation-algorithm of arrangement of EDT piles is presented. The use of ground anchors EDT in conjunction with bored-injection pilesEDT makes it possible to significantly reduce the cost of strengthening the slope compared to the cantilever retaining walls.
N.S. SOKOLOV1, 2, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Associate Professor, Director (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

1 I.N. Ulianov Chuvash State University (15, Moskovskiy Highway, Cheboksary, 428015, Russian Federation)
2 OOO NPF «FORST» (109a, Kalinina Street, Cheboksary, 428000, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Sokolov N.S. Strengthening landslide slope. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2018. No. 11, pp. 44–55. DOI: (In Russian).