Relationship of Water Absorption and Water Resistance of a Ceramic Tile from Argil-Lith-Like Clays

Number of journal: №4-2018

Lazareva Y.V.
Lapunova K.A.
Orlova M.E.
Kotlyar A.V.

УДК: 691.42

AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The results of experiments to determine the relationship between water tightness and water absorption of ceramic tiles obtained because of argillite-like clays, which are widespread in southern Russia, are pre-sented. It is shown that with decreasing water absorption the water permeability of the shard is regularly reduced. It is established that with 5% water absorption, the tile can be considered guaranteed waterproof. This figure does not depend on the thickness of the shingles. It is proved that it is possible to reduce water absorption and increase the ultimate strength due to shingles based on argillite-like clays, due to fin-er grinding of the feedstock or an increase in the firing temperature. The justification is given that the production of a ceramic shard with high strength and low water absorption makes it possible to produce tiles with a smaller thickness and weight, as well as lesser probability of bio-logical corrosion.
Y.V. LAZAREVA, Engineer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.),
K.A. LAPUNOVA, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.),
M.E. ORLOVA Engineer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.),
A.V. KOTLYAR, Engineer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

The Don State Technical University (1, Gagarin Square, 344000, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Lazareva Y.V., Lapunova K.A., Orlova M.E., Kotlyar A.V. Relationship of water absorption and water resistance of a ceramic tile from argillithlike clays. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2018. No. 5, pp. 36–39. DOI: (In Russian).