Promising Directions of Application of Acoustic Emission Method in Construction

Number of journal: №11-2018

Sagaidak A.I.

УДК: 624.156.31

AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The object of the study is reinforced concrete beams made of conventional and high-strength concretes and fiber concrete with a reinforcement percentage of 1.9–2.3%. The test was carried out by static and cyclic application of the load. The beams were tested for bending. During the tests, the parameters of acoustic emission signals were recorded. The aim of the research is to obtain experimental data sufficient for the development of methods for condition control and diagnosis of structures made of concrete and reinforced concrete by the acoustic emission method. In construction practice, the method of acoustic emission is rarely used, there are no approved methods and regulations. The developed methods will make it possible to use the method of acoustic emission to assess the state of the structure as a whole and to assess the impact of defects and damages on the bearing capacity of the structure. Application of the acoustic emission method will make it possible to obtain a significant economic effect, as significantly reduced labor costs during the surveys of building structures; the application of the developed techniques will significantly increase the reliability and safety of structures. The procedure of classification of cracks in flexible elements by the acoustic emission method is proposed. Classification is made by two parameters RA and FA. Using these parameters, the classification of cracks as separation cracks and mixed types of cracks, including shear cracks, is made. As a result of the research conducted, the boundaries of the Kaiser effect for reinforced concrete beams made of various types of concrete have been clarified.
A.I. SAGAIDAK, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)

Research Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete named after A.A. Gvozdev (NIIZHB), JSC Research Center of Construction (6, 2nd Institutskaya Street, Moscow, 109428, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Sagaidak A.I. Promising directions of application of acoustic emission method in construction. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2018. No. 11, pp. 3–7. DOI: (In Russian).