Modified Asphalt Concrete with Limestone Crushing Waste in Road Pavement

Number of journal: №7-2018

Malyanova L.I.

УДК: 625.7/.8:625.855.3

AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
Has been conducted the study of possibility of design and use of modified asphalt concrete with limestone crushing waste in road pavements (on the example of the Chuvash Republic). Have been considered two options of the upper layer made of asphalt concrete with bitumen; the first one doesn’t include an aniline additive, the second one – with an aniline additive with an amount of 0.5–1% of bitumen mass. When comparing two options of toad pavements it is established that the reserve of structures strength with the use of modified asphalt concrete with limestone crushing waste is higher when calculating the soil-shearing of earth road bed by 49%, shift in the bedding sand – by 80%, elastic deflection – by 14%. A necessary condition of arrangement of road pavements is to provide the reliable operation of the base under the road fill. The reduce the deformability, they should be fixed with the help of bored piles with pile fixing in the root bearing layers of the base. One of the options is the use of EDT piles.
L.I. MALYANOVA1, 2, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

1 The Volga Affiliate of Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University (MADI), (101, bldg. 30, Traktorostroiteley Avenue, Cheboksary, 428000, Russian Federation)
2 I.N. ULIANOV Chuvash State University (15, Moskovsky Avenue, Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic, 428015, Russian Federatio)

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For citation: Malyanova L.I. Modified asphalt concrete with limestone crushing waste in road pavement. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2018. No. 7, pp. 24–27. DOI: 10.31659/0585-430Х-2018-761-7-24-27 (In Russian).