Investigation of the Properties of Heavy Concrete on a Large Aggregate Reinforced with Nonmetallic Basalt Fiber

Number of journal: №9-2018

Stepanova V.F.
Buchkin A.V.
Yurin E.Yu.

УДК: 691.328.43

AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The use of non-metallic fibres in concrete can improve the crack resistance of structures compared with structures made of conventional concrete. In heavy concrete on a large aggregate, the expected effect may decrease due to possible grinding of non-metallic fiber. The article presents the research results of concrete produced using crushed granite and basalt fiber. Investigated different modes of making fiber-reinforced concrete and recommended the optimal mode of injection and mixing of basalt fiber. The basic physical-technical and operational characteristics of fiber reinforced concrete are investigated. The possibility of using basalt fiber not only in fine-grained concrete, but also in heavy concrete on a large aggregate is shown. On the basis of the executed researches it is established, the main technical parameters of fiber reinforced concrete and proposals in the Change to SP 297.1325800.2017 “Fiber-reinforced concrete construction with non-metallic fiber reinforcement. Rules of design”.
V.F. STEPANOVA, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
A.V. BUCHKIN, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
E.Yu. YURIN, Bachelor, (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Research Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete named after A.A. Gvozdev (NIIZHB), JSC “Research Center of Construction” (6, 2nd Institutskaya Street, Moscow, 109428, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Stepanova V.F., Buchkin A.V., Yurin E.Yu. Investigation of the properties of heavy concrete on a large aggregate reinforced with nonmetallic basalt fiber. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2018. No. 9, pp. 46–53. DOI: (In Russian).