Development of Modern Low-Rise Wooden Housing in Russia

Number of journal: №8-2018


УДК: 694

AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
Aspects related to the issue of further development of low-rise and multi-storey wooden housing are analyzed. The comparison of the level of development of the industry in Russia and abroad is made. A paradox, which is the weak development of the construction industry of wooden housing in Russia, rich in forest, while in European countries, the United States and Canada, this industry is significantly developed is established. It was revealed that the largest volume of the use of wood in the low-rise construction is shown in the Volga and Central Federal Districts, where large volumes of construction and the highest population density. The highest level of development of wooden house building is marked in Karelia, Arkhangelsk and Vologda regions (20–22%). The expediency of the use of valuable coniferous and broad-leaved tree species for timber construction is noted. The classification of technologies for construction of wooden houses is presented. It is established that in the construction industry of economically developed countries, wooden structures are widely used not only in lowrise buildings, but also in modern high-rise buildings (Finland, France, Japan and other countries). The examples of low-rise wooden housing construction in Russia are given. For the development of wooden house building in Russia, it is necessary to modernize the state standards for wooden house construction. This will make it possible to regulate the multi-storey wooden construction along with low-rise construction for the construction of environmentally friendly and economically efficient buildings. For example, in Moscow on the site of the old five-story buildings, which are being demolished, it is interesting to construct experimental innovative residential complexes with multi-story buildings of wooden structures as environmentally safe (eco-complexes). As a result of the analysis of the state and prospects of development of the industry of wooden construction, it is established that its development will have a positive impact on the economy of the state and the ecology of human habitat and the environment. It is important to just plant new valuable tree species on the site of the cut down trees, that is, to control the cutting and planting of trees. This should be recorded in the legislative documents.
Z.K. PETROVA1 , Doctor of Architecture, (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.);
S.V. ILVITSKAYA2 , Doctor of Sciences (Engineering), Counsellor of RAACS, (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.);
V.O. DOLGOVA1 , Engineer;
B.S. ISTOMIN2 , Doctor of Architecture, Counsellor of RAACS;
V.P. ETENKO3 , Doctor of Architecture,
N.V. DUBYNIN3 , Candidate of Architecture,

1 TSNIIP, Ministry of Construction of Russia (29, Vernadskogo Avenue, Moscow, 119331, Russian Federation)
2 State University of Land Use Planning (15, Kazakova Street, Moscow, 105064, Russian Federation)
3 OAO “TSNIIpromzdany” (46-2, Dmitrovskoye Shosse, Moscow, 127238, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Petrova Z.K., Ilvitskaya S.V., Dolgova V.O., Istomin B.S., Etenko V.P., Dubynin N.V. Development of modern low-rise wooden house in Russia. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2018. No. 8, pp. 74–78. DOI: (In Russian).