Control over Structure Formation of Gypsum Siliceous Binders when Producing Heat-Resistant Composites

Number of journal: №8-2018


УДК: 666.974.2

AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The possibility to improve the heat resistance of composite cementless systems on the basis of gypsum binder has been considered and proved from the point of view of the features of the structure formation depending on the binder composition as well as with due regard for phase-structural transformations of the binding composition under the effect of high temperatures. It is established that the introduction of a nano-structured binder (NB) as a fine disperse silicate solid phase contributes to strengthening of the structure under the temperature impact of up to 1000о C by more than 2 times. The strengthening effect is considered and explained from the position of the features of the dimensional transformation of crystal phases forming the binding composition under the conditions of high temperature impact. It is revealed that the gypsum binder containing NB as a fine disperse component undergoes a gradual decrease in the total volume of elementary cells of crystal phases under the effect of thermal treatment within the range of 25–1000о C with their subsequent increase to the initial dimensional state that provides the structure integrity and explains the heat-resistant characteristics of the composite gypsum-siliceous binder.
I.V. ZHERNOVSKY, Candidate of Sciences (Geology and Mineralogy) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.),
N.I. KOZHUKHOVA, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.),
A.V. CHEREVATOVA, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering),
D.A. ALEKHIN, Magister

Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov (46, Kostyukova Street, Belgorod, 308012, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Zhernovsky I.V., Kozhukhova N.I., Cherevatova A.V., Alekhin D.A. Control over structure formation of gypsum siliceous binders when producing heat-resistant composites. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2018. No. 8, pp. 4–8. DOI: (In Russian).