The Scientific Basis of Color Control Lining Brick at «Alekseevskaya Ceramics» Factory

Number of journal: №3-2017

Salakhov A.M.
Morozov V.P.
Vagizov F.G.
Eskin A.A.
Valimuhametova A.R.
Zinnatullin A.L.


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
Some innovations in the field of wall ceramics are analyzed. The actuality of production of facial ceramic materials of a wide range of colors are shown. This poses the task of expanding the color gamut of products. The main chromophore of the products of wall ceramics is iron. Therefore, its concrete effect on the color of ceramics on specific examples are shown. Due to extremely sensitivity of the parameters of the Mssbauer spectra to the valence state and to the local environment of iron ions the modern research methods are used. The regu- larities of the change in the parameters of Mossbauer spectra of red-burning clays and clays with a high content of carbonates in ceramic samples are revealed. X-ray phase analysis and Mossbauer spectroscopy have allowed to reveal the characteristic features of clays. The features of the structure of ceramic materials are revealed using scanning electron micros- copy. Various methods for controlling the color of ceramics are shown due to transferring iron compounds to different valence and coordination states. These studies formed the basis of the technological rules for facing brick production on «Alekseevskaya ceramics “ plant (Republic Tatarstan).
A.M. SALAKHOV1, Candidate of Science (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.),
V.P. MOROZOV1, Doctor of Science (Geology and Mineralogy),
F.G. VAGIZOV1, Candidate of Science (Physics and Mathematics);
A.A. ESKIN2, Candidate of Science (Geology and Mineralogy);

1 Kazan Federal University. Institute of Physics (16a, Kremlyovskaya Street, Kazan, 420008, Russian Federation) 
2 Kazan Federal University. Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies (4/5, Kremlyovskaya Street, Kazan, 420008, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Salakhov A.M., Morozov V.P., Vagizov F.G., Eskin A.A., Valimuhametova A.R., Zinnatullin A.L. The Scientific Basis of Color Control Lining Brick at «Alekseevskaya Ceramics» Factory. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction materials]. 2017. No. 3, pp. 90–95. DOI: (In Russian)