Research of Structure and Phase Composition of Clays in the Course of their Heat Treatment

Number of journal: №9-2017

Salahov A.M.
Kabirov R.R.
Morozov V.P.
Ariskina R.A.
Valimuhametova A.R.
Ariskina K.A.


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The necessity of developing a theory allowing to control the processes of structure formation and color formation of building ceramics products were indicated. A complex study of a number of clays was carried out using the most modern research methods: nuclear gamma resonance (Mssbauer) spectroscopy, high-temperature phase analysis, synchronous thermal analysis and spectrophotometry. The use of these methods made it possible to understand the processes that occur throughout the temperature range during the annealing of clay. Based on the conducted studies, the characteristic behavior of kaolin clays during roasting and the influence of hematite on the color of ceramic products have been established. The reflection spectra of ceramic materials of various manufacturers was compared. Examples of the expediency of using the CIELab model for qualitative assessment of color were given. It was shown how the application of modern research methods allows solving the problems arising in brick factories.
A.M. SALAKHOV1, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.);
R.R. KABIROV2, Engineer, General director;
V.P. MOROZOV 3, Doctor Sciences (Geology and Mineralogy);
R.A. ARISKINA1 , Engineer;
K.A. ARISKINA1, Engineer

1 Kazan Federal University. Institute of Physics (16a, Kremlyovskaya Street, Kazan, 420008, Russian Federation) 
2 “Alekseevskaya ceramics” ОАО (10, Kirpichnezavodskaya Street, Urban-type settlement Alekseevseo, 422900, Republic of Tatarstan) 
3 Kazan Federal University. Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technologies (4/5, Kremlyovskaya Street, Kazan, 420008, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Salahov A.M., Kabirov R.R., Morozov V.P., Ariskina R.A., Valimuhametova A.R., Ariskina K.A. Research of structure and phase composition of clays in the course of their heat treatment. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2017. No. 9, pp. 18–22. DOI: (In Russian)