Research in Strength Properties of Steel-Fiber-Slag Concrete in the Course of Axial Tension and Compression with Due Regard for Its Age

Number of journal: №5-2017

Bondarev B.A.
Chernousov N.N.
Chernousov R.N.
Sturova V.A.


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
Results of the study of strength properties of the fine steel-fiber-slag concrete (SFSC) at the age of 3–448 days are presented. A significant part of the calculations of flexural elements of build- ing structures is based on such characteristics of the material as concrete compression strength Rb, Rm and axial tension strength of concrete Rbt are presented. The purpose of this study is to obtain calculation formulas that make it possible to determine the strength characteristics of SFSC (strength under axial tension and compression Rfbt, Rfb) with due regard for the age of concrete. Tests on tension and compression were carried out with samples fabricated on the basis of waste from crushing of molten slag crushed stone of metallurgic production on fractions of 0–5 mm with bulk density of 1085–1135 kg/m3 and with different volumetric content of fiber reinforcement and the age of concrete. The hardening of the concrete has taken place under the laboratory conditions at temperatures of +18 – +20°C and humidity of 70±5%. Loading when compression testing has taken place at a rate of 0,6±0,4 МPа/s, when tensile testing – 0,05±0,02 МPа/s. As a result of test conducted and processing of experimental data, dependences and corrected formulas of the design resistance for SFSC under tension and compression with due regard for its age have been obtained; they are the base for creating the application software for automated calculation of elements of building structures on the basis of SFSC.
B.A. BONDAREV, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering),
N.N. CHERNOUSOV, Candidat of Sciences (Engineering),
R.N. CHERNOUSOV, Candidat of Sciences (Engineering),
V.A. STUROVA, Bachelor (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Lipetsk State Technical University (30, Moskovskaya Street, Lopetsk, 398600, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Bondarev B.A., Chernousov N.N., Chernousov R.N., Sturova V.A. Research in Strength Properties of Steel-Fiber-Slag Concrete in the Course of Axial Tension and Compression with Due Regard for Its Age. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2017. No. 5, pp. 20–24. DOI: (In Russian)