Mineralogical-Technological Peculiarities of Lithified Clay Rocks and Prospects for Their Use in Building Ceramic Production

Number of journal: №4-2017

Terekhina Ju.V.
Talpa B.V.
Kotlyar A.V.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0585-430X-2017-747-4-8-10
AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The high prospect of engagement clayey sediments, which are compact-ed and argilli-toptable clay, mudstone, totality, clay and carbonaceous shales, which are widespread on the territory of Russia, for the produc-tion of various products of building ceramics. The conditions of their formation and the associated features of their mineralogical composition. It describes the process of illitization pri- mary smectite-hydrologist clay. Gives a brief description of their technological properties and correlation with physical structure. Indicates that hydrology different degrees of crystallinity are minerals-indicators of the degree of lithification of shale, which is confirmed by electron microscopic studies. Provides conditional classification clay raw mate-rials suitable for extrusion and compression molding technology products. Is the need to develop clear terminology, test methods and classifi-cation clay raw materials, reflecting its qualitative characteristics and technological properties.
Ju.V. TEREKHINA1, Engineer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.);
B.V. TALPA2, Candidate of Sciences (Geology and Mineralogy);
A.V. KOTLYAR1, Engineer 

1 Don State Technical University (1, Gagarina Square, Rostov-on-Don, 344010, Russian Federation) 
2 Southern Federal University (105/42, Bolshaya Sadovaya Street, Rostov-on-Don, 344006, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Terekhina Ju.V., Talpa B.V., Kotlyar A.V. Mineralogical-technological peculiarities of lithified clay rocks and prospects for their use in building ceramic production. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2017. No. 4, pp. 8–10. DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0585-430X-2017-747-4-8-10. (In Russian).