Optimization of Brick Production from Clays of the Vlasovo-Timoninskoe Deposit

Number of journal: №4-2016


DOI: https://doi.org/10.31659/0585-430X-2016-736-4-16-21
УДК: 691.41


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
Different points of view on the behavior of kaolin clays in the process of burning are presented. Thermal characteristics of the clay of the Vlasovo-Timoninskoe deposit have been studied. Mineral phases formed in the process of burning are revealed. The comparison of data obtained with mineral phases of burned clays from other deposits has been made. On the basis of the study results, corrections have been made in the burning regime at the facing brick factory of the LSR Group in the city of Pavlovsky Posad, Moscow oblast.
A.M. SALAKHOV1 , Candidate of Science (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.);
V.P. MOROZOV2 , Doctor of Science (Geology);
A.L. BOGDANOVSKIY3 , Production Manager;
L.R. TAGIROV1 , Doctor of Science (Physics and Mathematics)

1 Kazan Federal University. Institute of Physics (18, Kremlevskaya Street, Kazan, 420008, Russian Federation)
2 Kazan Federal University. Institute of Geology and Petroleum Technology (18, Kremlevskaya Street, Kazan, 420008, Russian Federation)
3 ”Lasselsberger-Ufa” OOO (8, Electrozavodskaya Street, Zubovo Village, 450520, Ufa District, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian Federation)

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