Mathematical Simulation of Corrosion Processes as a Basis for Reforming Norms of Aggressiveness of Operational Environment with Regard to Concrete and Reinforced Concrete

Number of journal: №10-2016


УДК: 69.059.4


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The durability of a reinforced concrete structure according to SP 28.13330.2012 “Protection of Building Structures” can be provided with two methods: at the stage of producing the structure – by increasing the density and thickness of the protective concrete layer; in the course of operation – by treating the structure surface with special protective coatings and impregnations which, as a rule, require renewal after a certain period of time. A wide range of materials for the secondary protection of reinforced concrete, the cost of which sometimes exceeds the cost of the structure itself, can’t insure the design durability of reinforced concrete structures including the inaccessibility of the structure surface for renewing the protective coating among others. Thus, an actual problem of the development of contemporary normative-legal base f construction in the field of the durability of concrete is the absence, until the present, of standard normative practice for the design justification of parameters of the concrete protective layer, namely its thickness and density, for ensuring the trouble-free operation of the structure for the whole period of operation and reliable predicting the durability of structure. The solution of this problem is impossible without mathematical simulation of the concrete corrosion process with due regard for the nature of external aggressive impact. The article presents a review of mathematical models of concrete and reinforced concrete corrosion with different kinetics of the process as well as the development of professor A.F. Polak theory for the refinement of estimated dependence of the depth of corrosion damage of the concrete on the time of the structure operation.
V.M. LATYPOV, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering),
A.R. ANVAROV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering),
P.A. FEDOROV, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering),
E.V. LUTSYK, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering),
G.K. DERBINYAN, postgraduate student

Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (1, Kosmonavtov Street, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, 450062, Russian Federation)

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