Lime and Its Influence on Technical Re-Equipment of Silicate Brick Factories

Number of journal: №9-2016


УДК: 666.973.6


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
Due to the increasing competition at the market of wall materials manufactures, the problems of improving the quality of products can’t be solved without re-equipment of factories. Replacement of operational equipment which don’t provide an adequate level of contemporary technology and selection of the new import equipment widely presented at the market, raise the problem of compatibility with local materials, one of which is lime. Replacement of the press equipment only which in turn needs the molding mixture of stable composition can’t be considered as re-equipment. The analysis and results of the study of the influence of quick-slaking lime on the equipment operation in the processing chain are presented. Data on the influence of lime activity, a binder and their content in the mixture on the quality of molding mixture and conditions of mixing in the course of mixture preparation are presented. The correct placement of modern equipment in the processing chain with due regard for the quality of raw components is the key to successful operation of the entire production
G.V. KUZNETSOVA, Engineer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering (1, Zelenaya Street, 420043, Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation)

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