Foamed Composite Materials On the Basis of Polyvinylchloride

Number of journal: №3-2016


УДК: 678.743.22


AbstractAbout Authors
Results of the experimental research in the modification of non-plasticized PVC-compositions with a reactive oligomer, polyisocyanate, with the purpose to obtain materials and products of various functions are presented. A “temporary” plasticizing impact of the oligomer on PVC leading to the improvement in processability of compositions and strength properties of composites is shown. The study of expanding compositions with the purpose to obtain polyvinylchloride materials of an integral structure which combine maximum possible strength and low density has been carried out.
L.A. ABDRAKHMANOVA, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.);
A.M. ISLAMOV, Engineer;
V. KH. FAKHRUTDINOVA, Candidate of Sciences (Chemistry)

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