Complex Heat-Technological Inspection of a Tunnel Kiln for Brick Burning

Number of journal: №12-2016


УДК: 621.783.237


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
Results of the experiment on inspecting the tunnel kiln for brick burning at the operating brick factory are presented. For experimental measuring of the parameters of process units, present-day devices which make it possible to qualitatively and quantitatively assess the technical state of the kiln, uniformity of heating of brick setting during the burning, quality of regulation of draught equipment, causes of defects in brick, heat losses, to identify ways of search of reserves of power consumption economy, were used. Taking into account the cost of natural gas for brick burning, it is actual to conduct these investigations within the frame of the mandatory Energy inspection (RF Government Resolution of 16 August, 2014, № 818 “On Establishing the Volume of Energy Resources in Monetary Terms for the Purpose of Carrying Out Obligatory Energy Inspections”). These problems are an individual case for brick production but they are available in other industries that use the thermal units in the technology. Methods of the inspection and devices described in this article will help to identify the problems in the heat treatment and find ways for their elimination in all heat-technical units.
M.V. LOPATINA, Engineer,
S.V. ANTONYCHEV, (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.),

Director OOO «Energopromservis» (14, Academic Bakulev Street, 117513 Moscow, Russian Federation)

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