Bearing Capacity of Masonry Walls Made of Large-Size Silicate Blocks under Compression

Number of journal: №9-2016


УДК: 693.1:691.42.001.5


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
The results of experimental studies of samples of block masonry made of silicate tongue-and-groove blocks with thin mortar seams under compression are presented. On the basis of experimental studies, features of the deformation and destruction of masonries have been revealed; values of the strength of the block masonry under compression and its deformation characteristics have been obtained. On the basis of numerical studies, the influence of technology of mortar seams execution on the strength characteristics of the masonry has been revealed. Features of the operation of bearing masonry walls made of large-size silicate blocks under compression are shown. The results of numerical studies of the wall to hollow-core overlap node are presented; the values of compliance coefficients of this node depending on the level of compressing deformations in the wall have been established. Proposals for calculation of bearing walls made of large-size tongue-and-groove silicate blocks with thin layer seams are presented.
V.N. DERKACH, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.),
O.G. DEMCHUK, Engineer

Branch office of the RUE «Institute BelNIIS» – Scientific-Technical Center (Republic of Belarus, 224023, Brest, Moskovskaya str., 267/2)

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