Improvement in Manufacturing Technology of Basalt Fiber Concrete with Increased Uniformity

Number of journal: 10-2015

Kudyakov A.I.
Plevkov V.S.
Kudyakov K.L.
Nevsky A.V.
Ushakova A.S.

УДК: 666.974, 693.542.4, 693.554-486


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
Technological methods for preparing the basalt fiber concrete mix with increased uniformity are studied. It is established that 5% of basalt fibers of cement mass is an optimal content ensuring the uniform distribution of fibers in the concrete volume, the growth of compression strength of concrete by 51.2% and tensile strength by 28.8%. In the course of microscopic study of basalt fiber, new formations on the surface of basalt fibers are revealed; it shows the increase in adhesion of cement stone to fibers. The introduction of basalt fibers in the concrete mix significantly improves the uniformity of concrete quality indicators.
A.I. KUDYAKOV, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering)
V.S. PLEVKOV, Doctor of Sciences (Engineering)
K.L. KUDYAKOV, Engineer
A.V. NEVSKY, Engineer
A.S. USHAKOVA, Engineer (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building (2, Solyanaya Street, 634003, Tomsk, Russian Federation)

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For citation: Kudyakov A.I., Plevkov V.S., Kudyakov K.L., Nevsky A.V., Ushakova A.S. Improvement in Manufacturing Technology of Basalt Fiber Concrete with Increased Uniformity. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2015. No. 10, pp. 44-48. (In Russian). DOI: