Design of Lightweight Mounds on Weak Bases with the Use of Geo-Composite Materials for Construction of Transport Structures

Number of journal: 11-2015

Kochetkov A.V.
Yankovsky L.V.
Kokodeeva N.E.
Valiev Sh.N.

УДК: 625.861


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
Issues of the design of lightweight mounds with the use of light geo-composition materials including expanded polystyrene (EPS) are considered. The main sphere of using lightweight mounds constructed of EPS blocks: linear sections of structures on lightweight base, approaches to bridge structures on lightweight base, widening of a bank on lightweight base, construction of roads on areas of possible landslides, infilling behind retaining walls. A criterion when designing the structure made of EPS blocks is a prevention of premature failures of pavement such as the rutting, cracks etc. which are beyond the requirements for the limit state of serviceability. It seems to be prospective to approbate this innovative technique of construction since the use of up-to-date EPS blocks, mastered by domestic production, makes it possible to complexly influence on the workability of hydrotechnic or transport structures.
A.V. KOCHETKOV1, Doctor Sciences (Engineering)
L.V. YANKOVSKY1, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)
N.E. KOKODEEVA2, Doctor Sciences (Engineering)
Sh.N. VALIEV3, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering)

1 Perm National Research Polytechnic University (29a Komsomolsky Avenue, 614600, Perm, Russian Federation)
2 Saratov State Technical University named after Yu.A. Gagarin (77 Politekhnicheskaya Street, 410054, Saratov, Russian Federation)
3 Moscow Automobile and Road Construction University (64 Leningradsky Avenue, 125319, Moscow, Russian Federation)

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3. Evtiukov S.A., Ryabinin G.A., Spektor A.G. Stroitel’stvo, raschet i proektirovanie oblegchennykh nasypei [Construction, calculation and design of lightweight embankments. Ed. by E.P. Madres]. SPb.: «Petropolis». 2009. 260 p.
4. EN 13163:2001 Thermal insulation products for buildings – Factory made products of expanded polystyrene (EPS) – Specification.
5. ISO 12491:1997 Statistical methods for quality control of building materials and components.
6. ASTM D 6817–04 Standard Specification for Rigid Cellular Polystyrene Geofoam.
7. «Guideline and recommended standard for application in highway embankments» Transportation Research Board. Washington. DC. 2004. 58 p.
8. 4-th International Conference of Geofoam Blocks in Construction application. Norway, 2011.

For citation: Kochetkov A.V., Yankovsky L.V., Kokodeeva N.E., Valiev Sh.N. Design of Lightweight Mounds on Weak Bases with the Use of Geo-Composite Materials for Construction of Transport Structures. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2015. No. 11, pp. 33-37. (In Russian). DOI: