Balance of CO2 of Different Types of Wall Structures

Number of journal: 12-2015

Pastori Z.
Borchok Z.
Gorbacheva G.A.

УДК: 630*812


AbstractAbout AuthorsReferences
Four different types of wall structures with the same heat transfer coefficient are considered. Values of the СО2 emission during the process of their manufacturing are presented. It is shown that in the course of manufacture of 1.0 m2 of wall structures the significant emission of CO2 per 1.0 m2 of wall surface takes place. In the course of production of timber wall structures, the amount of tied carbon emitted during the manufacturing is lesser than the amount of carbon contained in materials which the wall is made of. The conclusion about ecological friendliness and energy efficiency of frame and timber buildings is made. It is shown that in the course of timber structures manufacturing the least amount of СО2 is emitted comparing with the variants considered.
Z. PASTORI1, PhD (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.), Director of Innovation Center
G.A. GORBACHEVA2, Candidate of Sciences (Engineering) (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

1 University of West Hungary (4. Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Street, Sopron 9400 Hungary)
2 Moscow State Forest University (1, 1st Institutskaya Street, 141005, Mytischi, Moscow Region, Russia)

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For citation: Pastori Z., Borchok Z., Gorbacheva G.A. Balance of CO2 of Different Types of Wall Structures. Stroitel’nye Materialy [Construction Materials]. 2015. No. 12, pp. 76-77. (In Russian). DOI: