ABSTRACT (from lat. refero-report, inform), a summary in writing or in the form of a public speech of the content of the book, scientific work, the results of the study of a scientific problem; As a rule, the abstract is a summary of the content of the document or part of it, includes the main factual information and conclusions necessary for the initial acquaintance with the document and determine whether it is appropriate to refer to it.

When preparing an author's summary (abstract), authors should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. At the first stage, it is necessary to prepare a full manuscript of the article. Despite the fact that the author's summary is placed at the beginning of the article layout, it should be written last. This will make it possible to more clearly and fully convey the essence of the work.
  2. The resume must contain at least 150-200 words. It should be written in solid text, without division into paragraphs and without indentation.
  3. The structure of the author's resume should be the same as the structure of the article and contain the following:

Introduction: contains the relevance of the topic, description of the subject, goals and objectives of the study. The materials used and methods of research (conduct of work) are listed briefly. The research results obtained in the work are clearly and fully presented: the main theoretical and experimental results, actual data, found relationships and patterns. It is desirable to represent numerical values. Preference is given to new results and conclusions that, in the author's opinion, are of practical importance. Conclusions are desirable to be accompanied by a personal assessment of the authors, examples of specific implementations, recommendations for further disclosure of the topic, etc.

The abstract should not contain:

A large number of introductory phrases ("In this article...""The article considers... ""the Author considers..." etc.;
Abstract indication of the time of writing the article ("Currently...", "At the moment...", "Today...", etc.);
Quotes, tables, charts, abbreviations;
References the list of references;
Information that is not in the article.

See resumes in reputable high-rating magazines as examples of how to prepare your author's resume. Pay attention to the main points that the authors used in their essays. Ask a colleague to read your resume. Sometimes the ability to look at the text with a fresh look can provide the best prospect of its completion, will help to identify possible typos and other errors.